10 Ideas to keep your home in order along 2021

Do you struggle with the order at home since you have memory? We all have been in that place where we feel frustrated because of the little amount of time the home cleaning last, and it´s discouraging to have to clean all over again combined with all the other activities we like to do or have to do.

In this article, we´ll give you some ideas to have a more ordered home throughout the year, and hopefully, you´ll feel less stressed in a clean and fresh home environment. Let´s get into it!

Make your bed every morning

This simple action will become a habit sooner than you think and can make the difference between feeling in a messy space vs. a clean and happy place. Besides, it´s a great way to start your day.


Fuente: blog.umibed.com

Dry up your sink

It´s common to spill some water whether you´re washing your hands or face, or even brushing your teeth. To maintain the feeling of a freshly cleaned bathroom we recommend you to dry up your sink every time you use it, and in the long term, you can also avoid having stains in your sinks. For this, you can use a specific towel so you don´t use the same one to dry your hands and face.

Doing your laundry every 3 days

If you do your laundry once a week for the entire family, it could happen that this take a lot of your time that you can spend with your family. That´s why this advice is very helpful, since you can do your laundry while doing other chores, and because it´s every 3 days is less clothes and therefore less time spent. Try it and see how it goes!

Use your dish washer

Many people think that using the dish washer actually takes more time than doing your dishes by hand and there´s more water spent in the process. However, we need to learn how to use whatever we got at home to make our life easier, and using the dishwasher in an example of it.

Al the family can take part of this, all you need to do is wipe out with some water your dishes and put it in the dish washer along the day. At the end of the day before you go to bed, put the machine into work and you´ll have a clean kitchen sink and a bunch of freshly washed dishes the next morning. Simple and efficient!

Fuente: goodhousekeeping.com

Clean as you go

This is so easy you´ll get the habit almost instantly. It´s just about cleaning items or put them back in place in the moment you finished using them. For example, if you´re cooking dinner and you no longer need the knife, don´t wait until dinner is ready to put it in the dish washer, but do it right there. This will make things easier in the end, and will save you a lot of time and effort. However, most of us don’t have the time to clean. If this is your case, consider hiring residential cleaning services.

Help from our children

This is a really nice and bonding idea to do with kids at home. We can start by giving them simple chores they can do according to their age and at first doing it together (parents and kids) so you can bond with them, and eventually they´ll be able to do that chore by their selves and more chores as they grow.

Baskets everywhere

They´re perfect to put in every room for different purposes. It can be for laundry, toys, pillows, extra blankets, etc. They come in a lot of different designs and sizes and you can play this different kinds of baskets depending of the room you need the for.

This is a good idea to put in place objects around the house in an easy and quickly way. And as we say in the previous idea, you can do it together as a family!

Fuente: hgtv.com

Cleaning wipes around the house

The classic cleaning wipes for surfaces, very helpful to clean around the house when we see a spot of a little dust on the desk, etc. The trick is to use these wipes the moment you see a spot that needs cleaning, that´s why it´s important to have wipes in every room of your home.

These can be extra helpful, for example, if you have a baby at home, since you can clean much easier the surfaces they´re eating or where they´re playing, etc. If you don’t know how to do this or don’t have the time, you can always contact a maid service.

Every object has its place

This is more an organization tip than a cleaning one. Having a specific place for every object around the house makes everything easier to reach or found. Take advantage of all the drawers to classify objects and put them in order according to the frequency of use: the objects we use more often go in the top drawers, so they are easier to reach, and the bottom drawers are for other objects that we don´t usually need.

We hope this can be helpful for you, and remember that if you need professional house cleaning services, you can always call the experts, at Marianna´s Cleaning Company we´re always at your service!

Call us today!