3 tips to incorporate a minimalist decoration at home

This 2020 we spend more time at home than usual and this may have made you doubt the distribution and decoration of your spaces!

Learn about minimalist decoration to make your home a cleaner and tidier place within the next paragraphs.

Minim… what?
As the name suggests, minimalism means minimizing the elements. This applies to the arts since the 1960s, so it is not a new term, but in recent years this trend has shifted to interior design as well, and now is a big trend.
It makes sense if we take into account that homes, offices, etc., are the places where we spend most of our time, and what would become of that time if we did not have space to breathe in it? To fill it with new experiences? Before continuing it is important to note that minimizing personal items does not mean that you get rid of all your stuff and live surrounded by 4 white walls. This trend of decoration is a very personal process, but we will give you some tips to start implementing it.

Find your reason to start and get inspired.
You may find it hard to critically analyze what items you need or how much you need to reset in your life, so getting feedback from family or friends can be a good place to start. What do you think will happen if you try to “defend” that sock collection with a friend? Again, the idea is not to get rid of all your stuff but doing the exercise can give you a new perspective.
Looking for inspiration can also be useful before starting this decoration process: taking pictures of your current spaces and looking for images on the internet could give you new ideas on how to reduce elements or move others to make places more spacious. Discuss it with people close to you and this will also give you a new outlook on things.

If you already know what you’re looking for, get to work.
The process of redecorating or reorganizing a space can be tiring, so the first suggestion from our maids is always to start with small steps. Many of the homes in Los Angeles, for example, have spaces with lots of natural light so starting small will allow you not to block the light steps all at once but to move forward at an appropriate pace.
Another piece of advice our maids give you is to start from the area where you start and continue the process. That is to say, if you started in a corner of your room, continue the process of minimizing the number of items on the walls and surrounding areas, etc. A very useful tip to start little by little too!

Final tip: set short periods for the minimalism process.
Just as many experts recommend setting short deadlines to maintain concentration, it is also advisable to set short moments for the tidying up process. Start with 40 or 90-minute deadlines to take care of all those items that are leftover in your room, for example. What items do you have in that corner where you started? A red ornament? Does it make sense to keep it and keep it in this area? We understand that the cleaning process can be really stressful, which is why we advise you to hire residential cleaning services.

Remember that if the process is too overwhelming for you, our company has the training you need to make the job easier. We offer the best house cleaning service in Los Angeles. For 35 years we have been tidying, cleaning, and maintaining homes all over California. Be one of our success stories, and contact us here.

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