4 Tips For Sanitizing Your Office

The contingency caused by COVID-19 affected all kinds of industries and companies of various sizes. However, we are returning to normality, going to our work centers is part of it. Keep on reading to learn all about the best 4 tips for sanitizing your office.

To maintain a safe work environment, we must return to the office without ignoring the guidelines. Likewise, we should comply with regulations and protocols following the pandemic, many workplaces have opted to contract commercial cleaning services. But, how about you? Do you know what measures to take in the face of this health emergency? Here we share some key points (for you) to consider before returning to the workspaces.

Make Sure You Are Ready

Janitorial cleaning services providers have changed their focus and improved their services. This is because there is a greater emphasis on the health and safety of users. You must be involved in the cleaning and disinfection of your workspace too. Make sure to bring all the cleaning products and utensils you deem necessary for the daily disinfection of your workspace.

Consistency Is Key

In addition to regular handwashing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces can also reduce the risk of infection. Before making use or touching your desk, keyboard, computer mouse, work phone, and any other surface, consider how often you touch it. The more people who touch a surface, the higher the risk. Prioritize cleaning high-touch surfaces. Also, remember that when cleaning or disinfecting such surfaces, you must take the appropriate precautions. You can start wearing gloves, for example.

Other factors to consider are whether the area you are in is high traffic or if ventilation is adequate. You should clean more frequently or opt for disinfection in addition to cleaning in those spaces.

Wear Your Mask

Regarding the use of masks in the workplace, follow your company’s regulations and always have more than one with you, also make sure that it should fit snugly to your face without any gaps at the edges. It is not superfluous to mention that if the company does not dictate it, you should wear your mask in places where there may be crowds or poor ventilation, such as in the elevator, or avoid them if possible.

Hire Professional Cleaning Services

While laws and regulations vary around the world, employers are generally required to protect the health and safety of their employees. This includes providing information, education, training and in terms of workplace cleanliness, working with reliable cleaning companies that ensures quality service and consequently reduces the risk of coronavirus infection. 

4 Tips For Sanitizing Your Office

Follow our 4 tips for sanitizing your office, comply with the protocols provided to you and most importantly, remember to maintain a positive attitude at all times.

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