7 things you didn’t know about home cleaning

Home cleaning is something we’re all used to. However, it doesn’t mean we know every little secret to make our life easier– and that’s why we want to share with you some tips and curious facts to make everything faster, cleaner, and healthier.

Please take in consideration that some of these aren’t exactly advices, but just curiosities or facts we tend to forget when cleaning. Therefore, not everything may be groundbreaking– but it’s still a good thing to remember next time the weekend is around! However, take into account that a maid service could be very beneficial for you.

Home cleaning around the kitchen
We will start with the most important room of the house: a space where we all share, eat, and clean a lot. Therefore, it’s great to have some tricks up our sleeve to make the process as quick and easy as possible.

Also: even if you don’t believe it, your entire kitchen can have more bacteria than your toilet seat! So grab your microfiber towels and get ready with us.
Let your blender clean itself!

We usually don’t give tips about dishes. If you have a dishwasher, is as simple as buying dishwasher-safe objects for your kitchen. However, blenders can always be a nightmare to clean for everyone. Dismounting it can be a headache, and regular cleaning can leave gross dirt spots.

However, the solution is very simple. Instead of scrubbing, just fill your blender with water, add a few drops of soap, and then turn it on. It will only take a few seconds and some rinsing afterwards to have a clean blender again.

Remember to clean the blades at least once during the month, though! This will let you remove any build-up residue.

Don’t ever forget about your kitchen sink
After cleaning the dishes or washing the vegetables, it’s easy to just rinse out your kitchen sink and forget about it. However, remember how we told you kitchen has a lot of bacteria? It turns out most of them are in your sink!

Clean it with soap and warm water to remove and kill all the germs. Do this after every meal, and at least once per week, make sure to also disinfect the entire space and the drain. This will keep it fresh, nice and clean.

Worried about the microwave? No need to be!
Cleaning a microwave can be a nightmare. Heating food will always fill it of grease, dirt and grime that can be hard to reach and harder to clean. However, just like with the blender, we can use the microwave to help us in our mission.

Just fill a bowl with water, slice a lemon, and heat both the slice and the bowl for two minutes. The steam will soften the dirt, while the lemon will provide its acidic power to cut the grease down, so you’ll only have to wipe away to clean it.

Cleaning fabrics
The fabrics around our house, such as curtains or carpet, can also be a great source of headache and suffering if we’re not sure about how to clean them. Curtains can be pretty simple if they’re apt for washing machine, but what can we do about other fabrics?

Take care of carpet stains ASAP
We’ve talked before about carpets, but it doesn’t make any less painful removing stains from them. However, the longer you procrastinate, the harder it’ll be to take care of it later, since the stain can actually change the color of the fabric.

As soon as there’s a spill, take action. You don’t need to start scrubbing (since that could be worse for the carpet and not even remove the stain), but let it soak with a cleaning product and brush it later if there are remnants.

Shower curtain? There’s an easy fix!
Shower curtains are great when it comes to keeping your bathroom dry, but they can easily get mold because of humidity in the environment. The usual solution (scrubbing the material to let it clean) isn’t really efficient, though.

Instead of that, we recommend you introduce them in the washing machine. For your cleaning product, use a pint of vinegar, and finish putting the settings on gentle and pressing start. Afterwards, you’ll only have to hang it to dry back in your bathroom.

General home cleaning
Next tips are more general when it comes to the area, but not for that any less important. Even if the bathroom and the kitchen can take most of the energy, we find these two next ideas are the most forgotten ones around the house. In case you need extra help, consider hiring residential cleaning services.

Your trash can deserves cleaning too!
The ideal way to avoid having a dirty trash can is using a plastic bag. However, if you’re cutting plastic out of your life, or if you put liquids on it (such as in the kitchen, where grease is a constant fact), you’re in risk of having mold.

The key to avoid this is both regular cleaning and avoiding moisture. For this last point, you can add ½ cup of borax to the bottom of the trash. This will absorb the dampness.

Let antibacterial cleaners on surface before wiping
This may be known already, but it’s always a great idea to remember this, and especially when there are dangerous viruses out there.

If you use any disinfectant, you have to left in on the surface for 30 to 60 seconds. This will let the product act and kill any bacteria or viruses, while if you wipe it instantly, you’ll only kill a small % of them. Patience is key!

As you can see, these all are very simple tips, but we hope you can start applying them to your life without any fuss and take advantage of those extra minutes of freedom and absolute cleanliness.

Looking for the best house cleaning services in Los Angeles? Contact Marianna’s Cleaning today!

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