6 common myths about home cleaning

If you’re a homeowner (or happen to live in a house or apartment of any type, really), you’ll have to deal with home cleaning every day. And it’s very probable you’ve heard several do’s and don’ts during your life… that may not be true. As experts in the topic, we’ve decided to clear up the … Read more

Pros & Cons of hiring a cleaning company

We’re fully aware that, for most people, cleaning isn’t a fascinating task. We understand that. However, we also know this is necessary for health reasons (as well as being comfy and happy around your own home!). So, is hiring a cleaning company the right solution? The answer will vary depending on each household and family, … Read more

How to become a pro in housekeeping

Housekeeping is a hard task, let’s not fool ourselves. If you’ve just recently started to be the one handling the chores in your house, or if you already have a few years trying to nail it without too much success, you should probably admire your mom now more than ever. At least we do. Either … Read more

House cleaning ideas that will make your life easier

House cleaning can be boring, annoying and not the greatest task to deal with (for most people, anyways. We always love a great cleaning session). If you think cleaning takes too much time out of your life, then it’s time to approach new strategies. You could even hire residential cleaning services. We’ve compiled some great … Read more

3 tips to incorporate a minimalist decoration at home

This 2020 we spend more time at home than usual and this may have made you doubt the distribution and decoration of your spaces! Learn about minimalist decoration to make your home a cleaner and tidier place within the next paragraphs. Minim… what?As the name suggests, minimalism means minimizing the elements. This applies to the … Read more

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