Cleaning, Disinfecting and Sanitizing

Germs, dirt, and bacteria can be found everywhere. Some are harmful and can cause diseases and allergic reactions. This is why it’s key to have a cleaning routine that includes disinfecting and sanitizing. 

Have you ever wondered what’s the main difference between these? Keep on reading to find out all about cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing. The best cleaning services in the city know all about this. We’re ready to give our tips away.

How to Avoid Germs, Dirt, and Bacteria

If you want to avoid germs, dirt, and bacteria, it’s important to have a cleaning routine. This routine should include cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing to ensure a safe and healthy environment. 

There are many surfaces, mainly the high touch ones like door handles, light switches, and shared equipment, that need to be thoroughly disinfected. Many regular cleaning services offer to use disinfecting products, which has become more common due to the pandemic.

The Difference Between Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sanitizing

Cleaning helps to remove dirt, dust, and germs. A cleaning routine mainly involves the use of detergent or soap to clean off surfaces. However, this may not kill all the germs. That is the reason one should first clean to get rid of some germs first to then fully take care of them by disinfecting.

Disinfecting products are key to kill germs on objects and surfaces. Some common disinfectants are alcohol and bleach. Make sure to read the label and instructions of each product you use. Usually, you need to leave the disinfectant on the surfaces for some time as it works on killing the germs. As you may have noticed by the description of disinfecting, it doesn’t assure you a clean surface like the cleaning process does. That’s why it’s important to go step by step. Cleaning comes first.

Cleaning, Disinfecting and Sanitizing

Sanitizing can be done by cleaning and disinfecting. It means that you are decreasing the amount of germs to a safe level. Therefore, you should always follow all health standards for your home or workplace to know how to meet your cleaning needs. Recommended cleaning companies know how to do it best and, what’s more, safely. 

Tips For a Safe Cleaning and Disinfecting

To prevent the spread of germs and bacteria, you should clean and disinfect all surfaces on a regular basis. You should pay extra attention to countertops, door handles, light switches, and basically everything considered a high touch surface. 

In addition, you should be careful when using cleaning and disinfecting products. Always follow the instructions and pay attention to the warnings on the product labels. Plus, don’t mix cleaners and disinfectants unless indicated in the label. Lastly, use gloves to protect your hands. You can even use eye protection if necessary for safety purposes.

Looking for the best cleaning services? Marianna’s Cleaning is your best bet.  Cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing? We’ve got it all figured out to meet your cleaning needs. If you would like to get a free estimate from our trusted cleaning company in Los Angeles, you can contact us today. 

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