Cleaning Tips for Your Home During The Pandemic

Simple precautions such as hand washing have been shown to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses. It is not known how long COVID-19 can survive on different surfaces. Experts recommend special cleaning of certain areas of the home to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses. That’s why we have gathered these cleaning tips for your home during the pandemic.

Clean High Contact Areas

It is recommended to clean and disinfect high contact areas. In other words, places that tend to be used very often.  These are door handles, light switches, remote controls, stair railings, tables, and chairs. Basically, anything you touch on a daily basis. 

Remember that even if time is not always your friend, starting a cleaning routine is possible. Reliable cleaning services often offer a customizable cleaning plan that includes high contact area cleaning. 

Clean and Disinfect Doors and Exits Regularly 

Clean door handles every day, both inside and outside the house. You should also clean and disinfect bags, backpacks, keys, and other items that are taken out when you return home every day. Being in contact with the outdoors causes a risk of spreading the virus. Therefore, cleaning both the entrances and what goes outside your home is important. 

Cleaning and Disinfecting Are Not The Same

Cleaning means you’re getting rid of germs while disinfecting means you’re actually killing them. While you might clean surfaces effectively, that doesn’t mean you’re disinfecting. 

Custom maid cleaning services at Marianna’s Cleaning often cover both cleaning and disinfection. You can reach out to us if you need further assistance with this.

Pre-clean The Surface to Remove Excess Dirt

If the surface is very dirty, it should be cleaned with detergent or soap before disinfecting. Just as it takes you time to wash your hands, it should take you enough time to remove any viruses or bacteria from surfaces before cleaning the product. 

Proper Ventilation is A Must

When using cleaning products, make sure the room is well ventilated and follow cleaning instructions. Check the label usage for how long the product should remain on the surface to ensure effective disinfection and efficient sterilization. You should also remember to wear gloves for cleaning and keep your hands away from your eyes and mouth.

These cleaning tips for your home during the pandemic come from reliable sources of information on all things related to coronavirus, including cleaning and disinfection protocols. The goal is to keep your home healthy and clean.

Marianna’s Cleaning is more than happy to help. If you would like more information about our trusted cleaning company in Los Angeles, you can contact us. 

And don’t forget to leave a comment on your thoughts about cleaning tips for your home during the pandemic. 

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