COVID-19 Disinfecting Services Most FAQ

After the strike of COVID-19 in 2020, most businesses have started to care about keeping their facilities clean and disinfected. Nevertheless, the importance of disinfecting services is something still not known by many business owners. Our company, having more than 10 years of experience in commercial cleaning and disinfecting, is willing to answer some of the most asked questions concerning these services. Keep on reading our COVID-19 disinfecting services most FAQ.

What are disinfecting services?

Disinfecting services are a type of cleaning procedure that uses disinfectants. These are antimicrobial products that kill bacteria and viruses on surfaces and objects. Disinfectants come in two different types: hospital-type and general or household type. To disinfect and clean businesses, we recommend hospital-type disinfectants, which our company does.

Of course, the procedure will not be the same every time. It can vary depending on the facility, the tools, the chemicals, and the company that provides the service. Some procedures to disinfect a place include deep cleaning, fogging, and electrostatic spraying.

Is HAZMAT cleaning needed for suspected or confirmed cases in a building?

The CDC and the OSHA stated that HAZMAT protocol is unneeded to clean a facility exposed to coronavirus. Commercial cleaning companies offer disinfecting methods that use EPA N List chemicals and still meet the guidelines of the previously mentioned organizations.

Why is it important to clean areas with dust or dirt before disinfecting them?

A surface with dust, dirt, or oils on it will have a barrier that won’t let the disinfectant act. Microorganisms on the soiled area will remain, hence the importance of cleaning soiled surfaces before applying disinfectants.

Is there any difference between sanitizing and disinfecting?

Of course, there is! The chemicals used in disinfecting are much more potent than those used in sanitizing. Disinfectants kill most microorganisms on surfaces, whereas sanitizers reduce the number of microorganisms. To control the spread of coronavirus, disinfecting services and hospital-type disinfectants are the best choices. On the other hand, we recommend sanitizers to clean dishes, carpets, or clothing.

How much do disinfecting services cost?

COVID-19 Disinfecting Services Most FAQ

The price range varies depending on the facility and its size, the location, and the risk involved. Companies calculate it with the square footage. For example, most recommended cleaning companies offer prices between 0.5 and 1.0 dollars per square foot in spaces bigger than 5000 square feet.

When should I disinfect my business?

Although there are many occasions to clean a business, cleaning during an outbreak is crucial. If you have frequent human activity in your workplace or provide health services, it is mandatory to use disinfecting services.

The COVID-19 outbreak implies that your facility gets cleaned and disinfected frequently, especially if you know about an employee or customer who stepped into the workplace while infected with the virus. Businesses that must stay open for public needs should also get disinfection to remain productive and safe.

What measures should businesses implement to reopen?

Before your customers and employees return to your facility, we recommend quickly disinfecting your workplace. According to the CDC, It is still unclear how long coronavirus lives on surfaces, so it is best to ensure that your office is clean and safe for your workers and customers.

We also recommend you ask for disinfecting services before the stay-at-home period in your state ends. Make sure there is nobody at your facility during this period so that there are no remains of human touch or fluids. It will guarantee an effective disinfecting process.

If you want to improve the sanity level at your workplace, you can increase the frequency of your regular cleaning services. This strategy will reduce the transmission risk between the workers and the customers. They will be very grateful if you demonstrate to care about their health!

In addition, you can implement our company’s all-new 4-Point Back to Business Plan. We offer prioritization of your cleaning needs for a quicker disinfecting process.

What can I do to verify if I am using effective disinfectants?

COVID-19 Disinfecting Services Most FAQ

Effective disinfectants against SARS-CoV-2 are listed in the EPA List N: Disinfectants for Coronavirus (COVID-19). In that list, you will find that there are different chemicals to combat hard to kill pathogens, like coronavirus. The fastest way to check the effectiveness of the cleaning chemicals used at your business is to verify if they are included in this list, or to look for the EPA badge in your product’s label. You can find more information on the FAQ section at the EPA website.

We hope our COVID-19 disinfecting services most FAQ was helpful! If you’re looking for the best disinfecting services for your business, don’t hesitate to contact Marianna’s Cleaning today to get a free estimate.

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