Decluttering Helps Boost Your Mood

Cleaning your home is often considered therapeutic. Even tidying up and getting rid of old stuff can be life-changing. Decluttering helps boost your mood, and it can make you feel happier and calmer. However, some of us don’t do so well when it comes to throwing away belongings.

We understand that it can be time and energy consuming to start the decluttering process. That is the reason why many trusted cleaning companies offer cleaning services that include decluttering services. You can benefit from the customized plans offered by a staff of cleaning specialists.

Hoarding Is a Medical Disorder

Some of us don’t feel the need to keep our belongings to help us feel safe and comfortable. For hoarders, objects can represent a safe space. In some extreme cases, hoarding is considered a medical disorder. This is because it can take a lot away from your life. For them, it’s part of their identity, which makes the decluttering process a lot more difficult.

It’s not really about the objects, it’s mainly about the memories related to them. That is what makes hoarders feel safe and remembered. The sentimental value is what makes it feel as if you were letting go of a part of yourself.

Clutter Has Negative Effects On Your Mental Health

An untidy and cluttered space can have a negative effect on your mental health. Clutter can affect your productivity since it reduces your ability to focus on tasks. 

When our space is completely full, it can cause us to feel anxious and stressed. According to many studies, a messy home has higher levels of stress hormones. On the other hand, decluttered spaces can make us feel satisfied and happy. Plus, it’s a lot better when everything’s properly organized and clean. You can find all your belongings easily. Even the air quality indoors highly improves.

keep in mind that decluttering is a process that can take two, three, even ten days or more. It’s a good thing many cleaning companies offer custom cleaning services that can be of great help for many in their decluttering process. 

Having Many Possessions Doesn’t Equal Happiness

We live in a world that made us believe that having a lot of clothes, furniture, jewelry, cars, luxuries,… meant that you would be happier. Many that have it all often feel empty and trapped. But, others who live simpler lives seem to be happier and at peace with themselves. Why is that?

A cluttered home leaves you feeling cleansed, like free of your past. Did you know that many religious figures choose to live free of unnecessary possessions? It’s meant to be a relaxing experience. A different perspective of life from which many of us could learn so much.

Yes, decluttering has its benefits as we have pointed out above. It’s not all about the cleanliness of your rooms at home. But it’s more about how you feel afterward. That rewarding feeling. No more burdens, no more past, no more nothing to hold you back. It’s time for a refreshing new start.

Clutter Might Affect Your Relationships

One study suggests that it can be more difficult to interpret the emotions of someone if this someone is in a cluttered space. Therefore, cluttered spaces may affect the way we see and interpret things, and not only the way we feel about them.

Some people argue that in this superficial and cold world, a little bit of nostalgia and memories can do no harm. Decoration-wise, some people prefer a fuller space to a minimal one. Nonetheless, let’s not confuse a cluttered space with some over-the-board vintage home decoration.

Likewise, one study found that a messy environment can make you more creative. Who would have thought so? I guess it makes sense when you come to think of it. Many scientists, painters, and writers were not really the most enthusiastic when it came to organization.

Are you thinking of hiring deep cleaning services? Marianna’s can help you with that and so much more.  If you would like to get a free estimate from our trusted cleaning company in Los Angeles, you can contact Marianna’s Cleaning.

And don’t forget to leave a comment on your thoughts about how decluttering helps boost your mood. We would really appreciate that.

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