Efficiency in house cleaning: improving the process

When we’re passionate about something, it’s easier for us to reflect about the best way to do said task and improve our efficiency. However, if you aren’t a fan of house cleaning –and don’t worry, we don’t blame you! –, the best solution is to find a better process and apply it. Or you could always hire residential cleaning services.

Therefore, we’ve brought today 7 ideas that will help you when cleaning to make everything quicker, and be free as soon as possible from the task (in case, of course, you can’t hire a cleaning company instead. That’s the hassle-free, quickest solution! But we don’t think you’re surprised for that tidbit of information).

House cleaning: how to make your strategy

The key to a great cleaning session starts by figuring out how you’re going to work around the house. We can take twice as long cleaning a room if we’re just coming back and forth without orientation.

We know, thinking about it can be slightly annoying, as well as preparing for cleaning, but every second invested will probably save you one minute later when cleaning, which is always a great thing.

Don’t backtrack!

Going back and forth to put things in their place, to retrieve a cleaning chemical, to sweep that little part of the floor you forgot… all these activities take both time and energy you could save by organizing yourself from the beginning.

One great way to avoid backtracking is to create a basket, apron with pockets, or a cleaning caddy with all your cleaning supplies. This will allow you to keep everything handy while you move from one room to another.

You know what they say: keep your friends close, but your supplies closer. Or no one says that?

You should also plan how are you going to tackle cleaning. Consider which rooms are you doing (in case you’re not going for the full house) and the order in which you’re going to clean them. Ideally, try to start from less-used areas to the common areas of your home so you can pick every speck of dust and avoid forgetting any zone.

If it’s not dirty, ignore it!

It’s easy being an overachiever when it comes to cleaning: well, I was just going to clean the table, but the floor around looks a bit dirty… and since we are sweeping here, it’s not too much work sweep the rest of the house… and what about the sides of the desk? They’re not too dirty, but since we’re doing this…

It’s great to have a shiny, squeaky clean, house. However, don’t fall in the trap of doing a spring cleaning each time you pick a broom. Instead of that, decide what you’re going to do, and ignore areas that aren’t dirty yet (even if they haven’t been just cleaned).

Sure, you shouldn’t ignore your countertops, but if the sides aren’t dirty, don’t bother polishing them. This will save you time, and when it’s the next time to clean, you’ll probably won’t be so freaked out by the idea of cleaning the entire house again.

Clockwise direction is your new best friend

Having a defined order for cleaning the house is important, but a sense of direction in every room could save you more time than what you think. Instead of going in one direction and the other, it’s better to work in a circular pattern. This is the way the cleaning staff that offers maid services does it.

This isn’t only most efficient and ideal to avoid dragging dirt from a clean area to a dirty area, but it will also help you to avoid a spot on your checklist or go through areas that were already clean (especially if you were distracted!)

Start from the top

We’ve mentioned it a few times when it comes to dusting, but we’ll make emphasis in this point once again because gravity can either help you or make everything worse if you don’t consider where are you starting.

Always aim for cleaning the high areas first (even if you’re small. Believe us, it’s easier that way). This will make excess dust and debris fall onto the lower surfaces, which will prevent re-cleaning.
Make sure to also leaving sweeping for last so everything that falls into the floor is cleaned as well.

Use your two hands!

Yes, this is a basic point, but if you’re holding a smartphone while cleaning, you could forget about this. If you can use your two hands at any point to multitask (or make the chore faster), by all means do it!

An example of this is holding an object so it’s steady when cleaning it (and you can go faster), or spraying chemical onto the surface while wiping with your other hand.

Let products act

We’re accustomed to immediate reaction from our cleaning products, but they don’t necessarily work in this way. Usually, it’s better to way to let then act: this will save you both time and use of extra elbow grease.

As you can see, house cleaning can be pretty complex, but if you make sure to break it down into simple steps, everything will be done before you realize. However, if you’re looking for the best house cleaning service in Los Angeles, contact Marianna’s Cleaning today.

Call us today!