Flu Season is Cleaning Season

Flu season is about to begin! You may want to make sure that there is no risk of infection in your business and take care of everyone’s health. The whole disinfecting process in commercial cleaning is vital to avoid the spread of viruses and other pathogens. Inside the workplace, it is easy to catch infectious diseases. Therefore, you should consider some points of advice to avoid having large groups of people get sick all at once. Remember, flu season is cleaning season!

Promote the use of hand sanitizer

The quickest way to properly clean your hands is to use hand sanitizer. After sanitizing your hands with these products, you can normally touch objects without contaminating them with germs. For instance, it is important that your employees sanitize their hands before touching work phones, keyboards, mouses, and other high-touch surfaces. Creating this habit will stop the spread of microorganisms in your business.

Create a cleaning routine for high-touch surfaces

High-touch points are certain surfaces and objects that are frequently touched by people. These include desks, phones, and door handles. In the case of phones, people even hold them near their mouths and noses. Therefore, these objects become potential infectious agents if not properly sanitized. You should wipe and disinfect these high-touch points to avoid the spread of germs during this coming flu season.

Flu Season is Cleaning Season

Make sure that your employees bring their own water bottles

Bringing your own water bottle to the office is a great alternative to using the water fountains. These devices might seem germ-free, but they actually contain the most microorganisms in the buttons to press for water. These areas should receive regular cleaning as well. But still, the best solution is to ask your employees to bring their own water bottles.

Choose to work with professional cleaning companies

If you are still wondering about the procedures to clean and disinfect your business during flu season, we have the solution for you. Cleaning companies will handle your cleaning tasks properly. For instance, we offer different cleaning services for business spaces that also help them get rid of microorganisms. Our services also help our clients reduce the time they spend on cleaning tasks. We suggest you try our green cleaning services, all done with the right equipment and procedures.

Our cleaning services are always customized according to your cleaning needs and your available schedule. You can ask for eco-friendly cleaning alternatives or our own brand of cleaning technology. Our cleaning devices include UV-C sanitizing wands and vacuums containing HEPA filters, which are designed to trap any debris found. We are committed to helping you leave your facility spotless and germ-free.

Flu Season is Cleaning Season

If you wish to have a healthy, safe workplace for your employees, you can count on us to do so. Feel free to ask for our commercial or residential cleaning services. Flu season is cleaning season, but we’re more than prepared to lend you a hand!

Call us today!