Helping Fight Coronavirus – Learn More

To our valued clients,
 We know these have been a challenging few weeks for everyone, and hope you and your family are well and in good spirits.
 For years our clients have relied on Marianna’s Cleaning Company to deliver safe and hygienic residential and commercial cleaning in their homes and businesses. Our first responsibility has always been to the health and wellbeing of all employees and clients. This commitment takes on an added importance in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
Therefore, Marianna’s Cleaning Company has taken a number of concrete and CDC-approved steps to elevate sanitization and cleanliness for our client’s properties. We are now an important line of defense, as well as your partner in containing coronavirus, and will continue to provide critical on-site house cleaning services during the emergency.
By following published CDC guidelines for professionals, as well as consulting with our vendors and internally with staff, we have created a set of procedures that enhance our regular cleaning with the intended results:

  • Decontaminate “high-touch” surfaces that are more likely to harbor coronavirus (doorknobs, light switches, desks, refrigerator handles, etc).
  • Minimize transmission opportunities between cleaning staff and occupants.
  • Deliver custom sanitizing solutions for high-risk clients and properties.

All crews are now equipped with Betco pH7Q and Betco AF315, which are viricides that satisfy CDC best practices for containing coronavirus. All staff is also amply stocked with disposable gloves and shoe covers for use during the entirety of our visits. Additionally, separate disinfectant fogging solutions for larger indoor/outdoor areas can also be deployed by our specialists on short notice. For our most vulnerable clients, arrangements of the maid service can be made to leave behind disinfectant products and personal-safety equipment at no charge.
 Our specialists are very knowledgeable regarding these new procedures, and how you can personally protect the spaces you occupy against the spread of coronavirus. Please reply back to this email,, or call us at (800) 903-9728, Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-6:00 PM with questions about your next visit, or to make requests regarding sanitizing specific areas of your home or workplace.
If you are unable to schedule a visit, you can immediately help combat coronavirus in your own home with this CDC-approved recipe: Mix 4 teaspoons of bleach into a quart of water, spray solution onto the affected surface and allow to air-dry. To be most effective, the solution should be allowed to sit for ten minutes.
 Together we can mitigate the impact of coronavirus in our communities, and ensure the health and wellbeing of everyone. Thank you for taking the time to get up to speed on our latest efforts, something we feel very strongly about. On behalf of everyone here, we wish you all the best!
 Matthew MadrzykCEO, Marianna’s Cleaning Company
Some useful links with information to help keep your home and workplace sanitized: CDC Coronavirus Disinfecting Guidelines Household Action Plan pH7Q Data Page AF315 Data Page

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