Why is it essential to have good quality time with family?

We all enjoy spending time with our family; it´s important to bond with parents, siblings, cousins, and all relatives in general. But nowadays, where family activities happen to be at the end of our priorities, we are becoming more and more individualists, and not in the right way.

Life gets busier and busier, but we can´t afford to grow apart from our family. In this article, you´ll learn the importance of having good quality time with family and how to accomplish it. Keep reading to know all the details.

Spending time with the kids

Making time to spend any activity with our children is perfect to bond even more with them. This activity helps them have more constant supervision, learn about healthy limits, be more respectful to people and with each other, between many others benefits.

It can be any activity, but the key is that all family members are enjoying it. If you all want it, it is easier to bond and more likely to remember these family experiences in the future. It can be anything: playing a board game, watching a movie, going for ice cream together, etc. However, it can be difficult to spend time with your family when you have a lot of chores to do. This is why we recommend you hire a residential cleaning service. In this way, you can save both the time and energy that you should spend with your family.

Source: danandsandyyuen.com

How to encourage other family members

First we have to make it clear that it´s not the same quantity than quality. It´s better to have 1 or 2 activities together per week, where all family members interact and talk with each other, rather than a lot of others activities where someone is being forced to do something.

The best way to encourage other family members to join the activity, is to take turns where each member gets to pick what activity to do, depending if it´s one or two times a week. This way we make sure that everybody has fun and feel included in the group.

Getting to know each other

Have you noticed that your husband or wife started to be interested in a specific theme, and you didn´t see it in the first place? Or your kid suddenly is into sports, and you don´t know when or how this interest started in the first place.

Spending time together as a family allows you to connect with your kids and spouse; knowing more deeply about that person and having empathy for them will make your family bond even more substantial.

Source: u-gro.com

The self-esteem of our children

If you were lucky enough to have your parents emotionally around while you grow up, you are likely to have an awareness of yourself or healthy self-esteem. A critical part of spending time together is that our kids feel listened to, included, and valuable as a family member.

When we talk about this theme’s importance, it is a key for our kids to grow as independent and confident individuals in society.

No cellphone or electronic devices

If you want quality in your family activities, giving a break on electronic devices and social media is an important key to accomplish it. Nowadays, we scroll on social media almost automatically. Not having the cellphone in your hand kind of forces you to pay total attention to the conversation or activity you are planning to do.

Cleaning or cooking together

Doing domestic activities might be great to work as a team, again reinforcing the self-esteem of all family members and even do the house cleaning. You could also hire a house cleaning service and do other activities with the family.

When cooking, you can shoot two birds with one stone since your kids or spouse will help you to make dinner, and they´ll be learning a new recipe, all at the same time.

Source: eatthis.com

The best piece of advice

We know spending time as a family can be difficult when it comes to coincide in a schedule when all family members are free, but the good thing is that you no longer have to worry about your house cleaning!

Marianna´s Cleaning Company offers you the best home cleaning service, with flexible schedules that allows you to plan a fun day or weekend with your family. Our professional staff is also very reliable, cleaners that will do an outstanding job in cleaning.

Take advantage of these house cleaning services and stop worrying about everything you have left to clean at home. Spend your time planning a particular day or activity and enjoy what truly matters and the most valuable thing in your life: your family!

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