House cleaning ideas that will make your life easier

House cleaning can be boring, annoying and not the greatest task to deal with (for most people, anyways. We always love a great cleaning session). If you think cleaning takes too much time out of your life, then it’s time to approach new strategies. You could even hire residential cleaning services.

We’ve compiled some great tips that can help you cut corners and have more free time –without meaning your house will get messier and dirtier. So get ready to enjoy shorter and better cleaning sessions for a bright, healthy home.

And remember! If everything else fails, it’s not bad to ask for help. Our other articles about how to approach housekeeping or when you need to hire a cleaning company can shed some light on this in case you’re still confused or stressed. Cleaning companies offer personalized maid services that you really benefit from.

Great house cleaning ideas

How to clean shower heads

If your shower isn’t what it used to be anymore, or you actively avoid looking up because of the grime and unwanted buildup, it’s time to look for solutions –and no, we’re not talking about substituting the shower faucet.

The simplest way to deal with these (without having to apply an excessive amount of elbow grease) is by soaking shower heads in a plastic bag full of vinegar and baking soda. One hour or two should be enough to ease the dirt, so you only have to rinse it and pick up small rests with a microfiber towel soaked in the mix.

How to clean the dishes

The best way to improve your process is by using a washing machine. But we’re sure that wasn’t the answer you were expecting, so we’ll proceed to share our other advice for all the cookware you can’t machine wash.

Heat up some water (it can be boiling, but it doesn’t need to be so hot) and pour it over your dirty dishes. Since hot water can dissolve grease, it’s the ideal way to deal with hardened residues without scrubbing excessively.

Soaking is other way to deal with things, but it takes longer and won’t always be as effective. However, if you’re going to eat, make sure to leave anything dirty in the sink with some water and soap. It never hurts to start the cleaning process before!

How to remove stains

Stains. Ugh. The absolutely worst. How can you deal with these enemies of cleanliness?

As you know, this depends on the origin of the stain. For this reason, we’ve compiled some of the most common stains and what should you tackle them with to avoid damaging the surface.

This is a simple guide, so you should have all these common household items around your house.

If you have this stain      Remove it with this

Grass                                Vinegar
Red wine                          White wine
Grease                              Baking soda
Blood                                Hydrogen peroxide
Oil                                     White chalk
Coffee                               Baking soda
Sweat                                Lemon juice
Lipstick                             Baby wipes
Permanent marker ink  Rubbing alcohol
Makeup                            Shaving cream

So! Was it easy?

How to clean windows and mirrors

When we talked about some common cleaning myths, we had already said newspapers aren’t effective (anymore) to clean glazed surfaces, since they can leave streaks and ink. However, we didn’t specify too much into the alternative.

Microfiber cloths are your best bet to leave your surfaces as good as new: mark-free and clean. It doesn’t take too much time to wipe down any window or mirror, and you’ll find them sparkling soon. Mix it up with vinegar and/or rubbing alcohol in a cloudy day, and you’ll be ready to go.

Try using them for your glassware, too!

How to clean your chopping boards

If you think your chopping board is clean, but only washed them with water and soap, there are chances you’ve left residues and bacteria that cause bad odor and cross-contamination. So, what do we recommend?

The best way to clean it without leaving chemicals or remains of food in the porous surface is to pour Kosher salt all over the surface, and then squeeze a lemon and scrub it over the board.
It will also remove any unwanted smell, so your chopping boards will feel as good as new! Rinse it when you’re done and make sure to let it dry.

How to remove spilled glitter

Glitter is a pain to clean. It gets everywhere, it’s almost impossible to pick up, and even harder to remove from your skin or porous surfaces. So what can you do after a DIY session with your children?

We recommend keeping some play dough in your closet exclusively to deal with spilled glitter, since it’ll pick the material like a sponge and leave your house as good as always. We all love some glitter, of course, but maybe not all around the table and floor, don’t you think?

How to deep clean

If it’s time to go for a spring cleaning (doesn’t matter if spring already finished, we’re not judging), breaking down your chore list into a ten-day schedule is a great way to reach every space of your house without feeling overwhelmed or lacking time.

We recommend this order:

  1. Bedrooms.
  2. Kitchen.
  3. Bathrooms.
  4. Entry.
  5. Living room.
  6. Drawers.
  7. Windows.
  8. Closets.
  9. Fridge.
  10. Appliances.

For this session, make sure to have spray bottles, microfiber cloths, lemons, white vinegar, dryer sheets, and an antibacterial all-purpose cleaner. These should be your basics!

Tell us! What tip are you most excited to try? Be aware that our professional cleaners offer the best house cleaning service in Los Angeles. So, why wait longer? Contact us today.

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