How To Clean Your Indoor Air Properly

As the new COVID-19 variants spread quickly across the world, it’s of high importance to learn how to live with the virus. We need to learn about new ways to help reduce the spread of viruses indoors. Keep on reading to learn all about how to clean your indoor air properly.

There are effective measures to help make indoor spaces safer. It’s important to focus on air disinfection in the rooms where there’s more contact with other people. However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t also pay attention to the other not frequently used rooms at your home.

Ever since the pandemic first started, many products were launched to help fight the viruses. These products include surface sanitizers, GUV devices, filtration machines, and much more. Many of these can be very helpful even indoors. There are also reliable cleaning companies offering a wide variety of cleaning services.

Proper Ventilation

Ventilation, whether it’s natural or mechanical, could help reduce airborne infections indoors. But you should take into account that if there’s a higher infection risk, the ventilation is key to help keep it under control. Also, not all transmission can be prevented only by air disinfection. The virus transmission could occur before there’s enough time to remove all viruses.

Keeping your windows closed while ventilating all the spaces at your home may have a contradictory effect. This may cause the air to only recirculate within your home, meaning all contaminants will also recirculate.

To achieve a proper ventilation system, you can try using larger fans, blowers, and ventilation ducts. You could also try hiring regular cleaning services to always have a properly cleaned space.

Air Filtration is A Must

Air filters could be used to assure that fewer contaminants recirculate back into other rooms. However, the best way to fight germs and bacteria is to quickly decontaminate the air in any room where person-to-person transmission occurs.

Some options of air disinfection technology include portable room-air cleaners, increased ventilation, and upper room germicidal UV.

Natural Ventilation

This type of ventilation is by far the most common form of decontamination in rooms. It can be highly effective if there are favorable outdoor conditions. However, the weather conditions may not always be so optimal. Likewise, the use of ductless air conditioners results in closed windows, which affect natural ventilation. This could also increase the risk of airborne infections. 

The Cleaning Part

This is key for all your disinfection methods to work. Always make sure to properly clean all air filters and other forms of ventilation. Also, you want to make sure all rooms are thoroughly cleaned. No dust, no debris, no dirt. 

We understand that many don’t have enough time to take care of the cleaning. That is why Marianna’s Cleaning is more than happy to help. If you would like more information about our trusted cleaning company in Los Angeles, you can contact us. 

And don’t forget to leave a comment on your thoughts about how to clean your indoor air properly. 

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