How To Tell If My Workplace Is Clean

With the return-to-office announcements, people are forced to spend many hours together in closed spaces. Maintaining cleanliness and sanitation in places where people co-exist on a daily basis has always been important. However, with the recent global health crisis, this need has increased. Keep on reading to learn how to tell if my workplace is clean.

In order to mitigate the transmission of the virus and to protect the health of workers, it is recommended to hire janitorial cleaning services. To ensure that you are receiving a quality service, you can take the following aspects into account.

What to Clean And Disinfect In An Office

Without a doubt, the facade of your home or office can be one of your main letters of introduction. It is not pleasant at all to see traces of rain, fingerprints and other stains on your windows. Make sure that your windows and glass in general look impeccable and shiny. For this, they must be cleaned as often as possible with the appropriate products and techniques.

Likewise, the amount of fresh air that enters from the outside should be maximized, especially in small spaces. Good ventilation helps prevent the accumulation of dust particle. It also minimizes the risk of contagion from COVID-19 and other diseases.


Doors are one of the most frequently used elements. Doorknobs and handles require special attention as they are high-touch surfaces. That is why extreme cleaning and disinfection should be taken.


Another key to know if the office is clean is to look at the appearance of the floor, since it is very easy to notice when a place has just been mopped.  However, floors can also wear out and lose their good looks over time. For this reason, apart from the usual cleaning, it is recommended to polish or shine the floor every year. This may require the services of a commercial cleaning company, which will make your workplace floors regain their natural shine and be in perfect condition all year round.


How To Tell If My Workplace Is Clean

In order for you to comfortably carry out your work, it is important that your desk is as clean and tidy as possible. Also, make sure you have hand sanitizer within reach that you can use when you have touched an object or surface that may have been handled by your co-workers.


Toilets will most likely be cleaned regularly by healthcare personnel. Try to have little contact with shared surfaces and check that there is always toilet paper, paper towels and soap available. Regarding the collection and disposal of waste, one of the essential practices that must be carried out daily is to empty the garbage from the bins or containers that contain it.

Commercial Cleaning Companies

How to tell if my workplace is clean? For better advice, we recommend you contact us. We are one of the best cleaning companies on the market, and we will put at your disposal our best professionals to properly sanitize your office. 

Call us today!