Learn to stay healthy in a hybrid work environment

In these times when people are returning to their offices, the hybrid model is gaining popularity among businesses. Keep on reading to learn to stay healthy in a hybrid work environment.

This strategy proposes that employees work at the office some days and from home some other days. This implies that the businesses are not using permanent desks for their workers, but are using a different strategy. Workers choose any open desk as soon as they come to the office. Although this strategy sounds like the perfect approach to workspace management and is great for business, it creates a breeding place for microorganisms in your facility. Using this strategy will make viruses and bacteria spread more rapidly than in the conventional workplace.

To help you keep your office germ-free, we have prepared a list of tips so that your workers will stay healthy in this new work mode. Also, consider the fact that by hiring janitorial cleaning services so that professionals cleaners can take care of the cleaning tasks in your office, you’ll be saving time.

Wipe and disinfect the desks daily

Learn to stay healthy in a hybrid work environment

Perhaps it is not mandatory to wipe your desks and keyboards in the conventional office world. You could do this a few times a week and get away with it. However, you must now include this task in your chore checklist. Always remember to unplug everything and wipe down every desk, keyboard, and mouse.

Remember that pens are not to be shared

We would normally share the pens with everyone else in the office. Currently, we know that grabbing any pen found on office desks is risky. To avoid sharing pens and increasing transmission risk with them, we suggest that you store every pen and other office supplies in separate bags.

Avoid putting your bags or purses on clean desks

You should keep in mind that your bag contains both your work supplies and various types of microorganisms. It may contain germs from your house, the cab, and other places. Take into consideration the places where your bag or purse has been before you place it on the desk.

Take used mugs and cups from the desks

It might take a while for your employees to understand that they should not leave cups and mugs behind on the desks. You should remind them that these items contain germs. Before you start work, make sure that you take away any mugs or cups on the desk using a sanitizing wipe.

Sanitize phones on a daily basis

In a shared space like an office, people will use the phone constantly. Your employees should keep in mind that they contain a lot of germs due to the fact that many people use the office phones. If you sanitize phones daily, you will keep everyone safe from the germs on them.

Disinfect your office’s equipment after everyone leaves

The new work mode implies that the employees won’t exactly return to the office the next day. Therefore, you should create a habit of sanitizing laptops, pens, tables, and notebooks. If you want to avoid germs in your office, it is crucial that you do so every day before leaving the workplace.

Learn to stay healthy in a hybrid work environment? What about hiring one of the best cleaning companies that offers high quality cleaning services.

Call us today!