Natural Cleaning Products for Office Cleaning

There are many reasons to ditch the chemicals and use natural, homemade cleaning recipes. These products are much safer than the chemical-based cleaning products available on the market. Yet, they are just as effective and environmentally friendly. These natural cleaning products for office cleaning are easy to make and great to use.

Perhaps your business is “green” in spirit. Maybe you care about the environment and prefer to go green. Or there might be some of your staff members that suffer from allergies related to chemical cleaning products. Natural cleaning products are often much cheaper than the chemical-based products you find in the supermarket. Marianna’s Cleaning team has for you the best green options for your regular cleaning.

Scented Surface Cleaner

What’s better than a natural lemon-scented cleaner? Most products use chemicals to have this scent. However, here is a natural recipe with all the cleaning properties and the lemon scent you love so much.

Natural Cleaning Products for Office Cleaning

To prepare it, mix the juice of 3 lemons with 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Then, wait for the effervescence to subside before adding a drop of liquid detergent. Also, if you want to enhance the scent, you can add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Use as a multi-surface spray for general cleaning. You will see how useful it is. The best cleaning companies recommend it.

Screen cleaner

Computers are essential for fast and efficient work. That’s why we always need to take care of our screens. Here is an excellent natural screen cleaner recipe. This is perfectly safe and costs a fraction of the price of store products. And of course, it contains no nasty chemicals.

Natural Cleaning Products for Office Cleaning

It’s very simple to make your own screen cleaner. Just fill a spray bottle with equal parts of distilled water and white wine vinegar. Spray it on your screen and wipe it clean. And that’s it! A naturally clean screen.

Natural Toilet Cleaner

It’s no good pouring chemical bleach into your toilets. This can damage your pipes and end up in any river or beach. We need to take a more natural approach. Something that offers all the cleaning power you need to keep your workplace toilets spotless. That’s why we give you this option:

First, put 220 g of baking soda in a glass bowl. Then, add 25 drops of your favorite essential oil. In this way, you will have the fragrance you like the most. Use a wooden spoon to mix the oil with the baking soda until evenly distributed. After that, put about 2 tablespoons of the mixture in the toilet bowl and scrub it well. Finally, pour 4 tablespoons of white wine vinegar into the bowl to create a powerful cleaner.

Natural Cleaning Products for Office Cleaning

You will see how all the dirt comes out and leaves you with a refreshing, clean scent. Keeping your office clean will now be easier for you.

Those were the best natural cleaning products for office cleaning. If you try these cleaning tips, share them! These tips can be very helpful to many. And, in case you have any questions about them, our trusted cleaning company in Los Angeles will be more than happy to help you.

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