Office Cleaning And Sanitizing By Hand

The crisis caused by COVID-19 affected all types of industries and companies of various sizes. But, little by little these restrictions are disappearing, so that today many places have implemented the return to the workplaces. The health and safety of employees should be the priority at this time. That is why, in order to maintain a safe working environment and prevent the spread of COVID-19, we must return to the office taking the respective precautionary measures. Cleaning and disinfecting our workplace is essential in the current scenario. Keep on reading to learn why office cleaning and sanitizing by hand is the best.

The Experts Know What They’re Doing

In the current health situation, it is possible that you may require professional commercial cleaning services. For example, in buildings, homes, public places, offices, elevators, furniture, locker rooms and vehicles, etc.

One thing that many experts have stressed is the importance of regular cleaning and disinfection by hand. WHO has also advised that cleaning and disinfection by hand is necessary to combat SARS-CoV-2 on surfaces.

Regular Cleaning is Key

High touch surfaces (door handles, handrails, light switches, etc.) and devices shared by the workers (telephones, computers, desks, among others) require special attention to avoid contamination. Therefore, they should be cleaned and disinfected at least twice a day. One option is to do it between shifts, but this will depend on your company’s disposition and the agreement reached with the janitorial cleaning services provider. 

Most of the time, proper cleaning by hand would be considered sufficient to significantly reduce the load of pathogenic microorganisms present on surfaces. However, disinfection helps to eliminate the virus completely and is especially necessary for the disinfection of high contact surfaces. Many disinfectant solutions offer an antimicrobial effect. However, when using these products we must not only pay attention to their effectiveness, but also to the safety. In other words, they must not be toxic or dangerous for the user. They must comply with the legal requirements regarding safety and health. It is also recommendable that they are environmentally friendly.

Office Cleaning And Sanitizing By Hand

It is worth remembering that the disinfectant solutions used must be prepared according to the intended use and following the measures and indications on the package. And their use must be carried out with protective measures such as gloves, mask, eye protection, apron for mixing solutions, among others.

Commercial Cleaning Companies

Preventing the contamination of surfaces and maintaining proper cleaning and disinfection conditions in public spaces is essential. This is to mitigate the transmission of the virus and protect the health of workers. 

Office Cleaning And Sanitizing By Hand

As one of the best and most recommended cleaning companies, we understand why office cleaning and sanitizing by hand is the best option. We know how to include it in our cleaning methods and practices. Our trained workers know how to use the equipment to perform cleaning and disinfection activities, and are provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for their safety according to their work. 

Call us today!