Office Cleaning Services Changes Since The Pandemic

In 2020, everyone started to care a lot more about cleaning and places where germs are. This event has changed our definition of “clean.” In this article, we will discuss some questions concerning the issue of cleaning. What expectations and responsibilities will we have from now on? Keep on reading to learn more about office cleaning services changes since the pandemic.

After coronavirus appeared, businesses asked their commercial cleaning providers to prioritize different issues when cleaning. Their needs had changed, and now the most important for them was to disinfect and sanitize the entire facility. Of course, cleaning companies kept innovating and provided their clients with the best cleaning technology and techniques to protect customers’ health and the environment. And they will for sure continue to innovate constantly.

The new meaning of clean

The standards for cleanliness in the post-COVID-19 world are way higher than before, in those times when we had to worry about germs only during flu season. Janitorial cleaning services are now not enough, since businesses also require disinfecting services. Although the employees’ health has always been a priority, the high risk of contagion inside the workplace makes it necessary to implement more strict cleaning measures and procedures.

COVID-19 revealed that commercial cleaning required a quality upgrade to their services to provide the desired healthcare in businesses. Nowadays, the typical cleaning routines put much more emphasis on sanitizing and disinfecting the needed areas. Cleaning and disinfecting services providers use new technology that handles the issue of destroying viruses more efficiently. For instance, our company uses modern cleaning devices such as Electrostatic Sprayers. This tool uses 65% less toxic chemicals than conventional cleaning tools, so it is more efficient and takes better care of human health.

Emphasizing health

If you want to keep a healthy space in your business, traditional cleaning methods will not be enough. You can’t expect the virus to go away by simply dusting and wiping surfaces, mopping floors, and having a deep clean every once in a while. Deep cleaning should be part of your constant office cleaning routine if you want your business to stay open to the public.

Office Cleaning Services Changes Since The Pandemic

A personalized cleaning experience, which includes assessing the business’ cleaning needs, is crucial for providing good cleaning and disinfecting services. Cleaning service providers must provide more constant deep cleaning to big companies having more employees and staff. Moreover, the providers should also prioritize high-touch points in the workplace. As we can see, personalized services are now a must.

Having your wastebaskets empty is no longer the most crucial part while cleaning your facility, for preserving everyone’s health is now the priority. Our company pays special attention to keeping your workplace germ-free, and we have operated like this even before the pandemic. Our staff has the appropriate level of training to handle the issue of COVID-19 and its dangers. We will work hard to reduce the infection risk at your office.

Considering long-lasting solutions

Our clients shall be aware of the risks involved in using some toxic cleaning products. They might be a good solution in the short term, but we will require different solutions eventually. If we constantly use these quick-effect chemical cleaning products, we will cause damage to the environment. At our company, we are well aware of this issue, so we offer eco-friendly cleaning services for your company. We want to ensure that your employees stay healthy and also want to ensure that we are not damaging the environment.

Office Cleaning Services Changes Since The Pandemic

In addition, our company offers a brand-new cleaning system named ProKure. This is a chlorine dioxide, pathogen-clearing, deodorizing cleaning system that works on most surfaces. It makes the cleaning process fast and effective. Also, it has a low impact on the environment. It is a fact that there have been office cleaning services changes since the pandemic. However, these changes have been for the better. We can now rest assured the right measures will be taken to fight the pandemic, as we, Marianna’s Cleaning, have. For years, we’ve helped clients keep their workplace safe and healthy for customers and employees. Since we are one of the most reliable cleaning companies, our goal is to offer different services for each of our clients depending on their needs.

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