Organize every bathroom in these simple steps

Do you constantly have a mess in your bathroom? We all have had the same experience, whether it´s a big or a small bathroom, it´s common that our items and hygiene supplies tend to get lost or messy as time passes by.

But today you´ll be learning how, when and what to apply different tips and organization techniques so you have a well-organized bathroom, where you can easily reach everything you need whenever you need it. All of this and more, in this new Marianna´s article. Just keep reading!


Step one: clear the space

Before start organizing, first, we have to clear the entire space so we know with certainty how much space we have. So, take all the things out of the bathroom. It´s important that this whole organization process is done in one time only, don´t pause the process in the middle of it and then finish it the day after, this way you´ll make sure the job is really done. You won´t regret it!

Once you have all your things gathered in one big pile, you´ll realize you have a lot of things you no longer use or need, so we encourage you to throw away everything you no longer need so you have much more space in your new organized bathroom.

Go object by object, and question yourself if you really might need it, and if not, make sure it doesn´t go back in the bathroom.

Step two: categorize your items

Now that you only have what you actually use and need, we can proceed to categorize everything. You can do it however it´s easier for you, one idea is to categorize in things you need, things your partner needs, and things both need; or in the case of the kids´ bathroom, separate items for each.

Step three: clean and divide the space

Having the bathroom totally empty we can take advantage and do a deep cleaning before putting items back in place. After the cleaning, measure the space below your sink so you can know what organizer boxes or trays could fit in to take advantage of it. Do the same with shelves if you have them, and every space you consider can be used to organize stuff.

When it comes to organizing things in small spaces, you can always rely on vertical baskets so you use the entire space and not only the base of the space below the sink. Having levels as if they were actual drawers.

You can also use simple baskets you already have at home, to fit in smaller spaces. The key is to use every single space we can, you can even put a basket hanging behind the sink door, to take full advantage of this underrated bathroom space.


Step four: put objects in their designed space by categories

One recommendation is to put the most used object for an easier reach or in the top basket or shelf, this way it will be much easier to do your daily routine. For small objects, one great hack is to keep your glass jars from the kitchen, instead of throwing them out, and wash them so you can use them to storage cotton wipes, cotton swabs, or any small object.

This way you help the environment while you keep everything at reach in your bathroom, and you can even décor your glass jars with your own style by labeling them as you like!


What if you don´t enjoy cleaning?

That´s an easy issue to resolve! Don´t feel bad for not liking cleaning, but although you don´t enjoy it, someone has to do it. Otherwise, you would be living in an absolute mess. It’s never a bad idea to consider hiring a maid service. Also, it´s better when someone else can do this for you while you spend your time doing the things you enjoy the most: being with your family, your hobby, exercising, etc.

Trust the professional cleaners of Marianna´s Cleaning Services and let your house be the home your family truly deserves. With Marianna´s house cleaning, you can focus on only organize the space as you need it, and the rest of the job is on us!

Book your appointment today and start living the relaxed and clean life you and your family deserve. Contact us for more information about our residential cleaning services.

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