Pros & Cons of hiring a cleaning company

We’re fully aware that, for most people, cleaning isn’t a fascinating task. We understand that. However, we also know this is necessary for health reasons (as well as being comfy and happy around your own home!). So, is hiring a cleaning company the right solution?

The answer will vary depending on each household and family, of course. There isn’t a perfect generic solution –we promise to share it if we find one, don’t worry about that– to cleaning. But there are some things that can help you decide.

We’ve compiled some advantages and disadvantages of working with a cleaning company so you can decide if it’s worth the investment, or if just a lazy move –considering that isn’t bad, either!

Pros of a cleaning company

More time available

Let’s be honest. Women used to be in care of the housekeeping, but ever since they started working, this old habit has started to die. It’s hard to raise kids when you have to go to an office 5 days of the week, but when you add cleaning and organizing, it becomes a challenge to juggle everything successfully.

When you hire commercial or residential cleaning services, you’re delegating a huge responsibility and in turn, making more time to take care of your family, your work, and even rest and enjoy your hobbies.

This is also a great idea if your days are fully booked between social compromises, family and work. Instead of trying to squeeze cleaning between days, or barely sweeping one or two times per month, you can hire someone so your house is always clean– even if you weren’t the one who did it.

We also want you to remember that having free time is important. The more stressed you are for the lack of rest, the harder it’ll be to take care of even simple tasks. If you find constantly overwhelmed, it could be a good idea to ask for help. No one will judge you for your capacities: after all, cleaning doesn’t determine your worth as a person.

Avoiding a disliked task

Do you love sweeping, dusting and scrubbing to remove all dirt?


Don’t worry, you’re absolutely normal. Most people don’t like it either!

Everyone has to compromise and do things –even if they don’t like them– to get through their day and life in general (traffic, anyone?), but it doesn’t mean you’re forced to always deal with something if you really hate it.

Cleaning can be a passion, but can also be hated. If you feel angry or demotivated each time cleaning comes around, or even worse, procrastinate doing it because how you feel, you’ll have to deal with a dirty, disorganized house every day.

If no one in the household can take care of said task, you don’t have to pull yourself through the suffering: hiring somebody is usually more efficient and will save you from headache.

An always clean house

It’s easier to keep a house in order, that bring it back to order once it’s dirty and messy. If a cleaning service takes care of said task one or two times per week, you’ll only have to make sure to put things back to their place and clean any mess in the moment it happens.

This is also great to receive professional help when it comes to cleaning. Maybe you’re not an expert when it comes to polishing the floors and furniture, but if somebody else takes care of it, you can be sure everything will look nice for at least one week more (until the next maid service appointment).

This is especially great if you like having guests over, since you won’t have to panic and enter into a cleaning frenzy just to make the house decent. Make sure everyone compromises to keep the order, though!

Great to tackle complex jobs

What if you have the time to clean, but the job is too big for you?

This is especially common when people are going to move in to (or out of) a house, since there’s a lot of dirt to fight with, or can also happen if the house has been neglected for a long time.

While it’ll be just a single cleaning session (or several, just not scheduled to happen weekly/monthly), it’s a great way to save effort and energy while you take care of other matters; and especially if you’re selling or buying a house.

Cons of a cleaning company

Cleaning companies aren’t always green services

We’re tasked with the duty of taking care of the environment, and that can be hard to do when the cleaning ladies in your house aren’t using the best products for the planet, or following the best practices to save water and energy.

If you decide to hire a cleaning company, make sure to verify they offer a sustainable service, or that are at least willing to follow your guidelines. Every little effort counts!

They can be expensive

Let’s be honest. The biggest problem, usually, is dealing with the money (or lack thereof). If your budget can’t contemplate a regular house cleaning service, no matter how little time or energy you have, the price to pay is a dirty and messy house.

A great way to deal with this is look for the best schedule. Maybe you can’t have more than an appointment every 15 days without affecting your budget, but even one hour of cleaning will help you to keep the house in order until the next visit.

And now you know the pros & cons, tell us! Do you like using the services of cleaning companies?

Call us today!