Re-organize your home studio like a professional

We all like to have an organized workspace. It helps you to concentrate and makes you feel comfortable while doing all your tasks. And whether you have a little or big home studio, if you had to incorporate a desk in your bedroom or even on the side of the living room, this article is just for you!

You´re going to learn all the tips and tricks to have a professionally organized home studio without losing your sanity in the process. Just keep reading and change the way you see the home office forever. And who knows? You may even consider hiring a residential cleaning service.

Taking care of your desk

Have you ever heard someone saying that your desk is like your mind? Well, it´s true. And the good thing is that you can use this in your favor.

If you got a messy desk, you´d have a chaotic mind, out coming in having struggled for task organization. Having a clean desk equals a clear mind and ideas, so be sure that you don´t have dirty dishes on the desk, empty coffee mugs, or even any item that you are not using at the moment.

This tip will do wonders and you´ll feel both productive and organized in your workspace. Apply this tip every day, and you´ll realize is a life-changer.


Incorporate some plants

Plants bring good energy to any space, so we recommend you to put a little or even 2 or 3 small plants on your desk, especially if you feel stressed and anxious about work.

Having plants in your home studio also elevates the space aesthetically, and when you are in a place you like, you get more productive, and suddenly, the tasks don´t seem as tedious as usual. If you don´t have much time to take care of plants, you can opt for a desert plant such as a little cactus or relatives.


Little details make the difference

It can be tricky to work at home, especially if all your family is passing by the whole day and the different home noises going around while you try to concentrate. But remember that being at home has its own benefits.

Make your day better by drinking a home pressed coffee in your favorite mug and you don´t bring to work because you are afraid of losing it. Or use different kind of colorful post-it to give it a fun turn to your work.

You could even support your bag with your favorite cushion or be barefoot and feel your carpet the whole day to make you feel more comfortable. Remember that little details make the difference, even in organization!

Dividing spaces

If you´re lucky enough to have an empty shelf for your work only or even an open space in your closet, this tip is for you. Dividing spaces is essential when it comes to re-organizing your home studio and its cleaning. We recommend you put the thing you use daily on the top shelf (or in the one you think is more reachable depending on your height) and the ones you don´t use on the bottom bracket. This way, it´ll make you more comfortable in your daily work routine. In case you don’t have time for the cleaning process, consider hiring a maid service in Los Angeles.

Categorizing everything

Now that you have every space divided in order of frequently used, it´s time to label up everything! You can use little boxes to make this even more organized. The idea is to separate things into categories so you can find them more quickly throughout the day.

Put a label in the little box and put everything of that specific category inside the box. For example, in a cardboard box, put the title “writing,” and inside goes all the pens, pencils, markers, and such. This process might take a while, but it´s worth it since it will help you become a more organized and productive version of yourself.


What about cleaning?

All this time invested in re-organizing your home studio, and you still have a lot of home cleaning to do. Wouldn´t you rather spend your free time resting or enjoying some activity you like? Luckily for you, Marianna´s Cleaning Company will come to your doorstep whenever you need us!

You can trust that our reliable staff will clean every corner of your house, the bathrooms, kitchen, bedrooms, and any other area you need to be professionally clean. Stop cleaning and start living. Schedule your appointment today and benefit from our commercial cleaning services.

Call us today!