Simple steps to disinfect any surface at home

Although the complicated and tense situation has come to a better place, it´s still very important to maintain all the protocol statements, such as safety distancing, wearing a mask, washing your hands, etc.

For home surfaces and spaces applies the same, we need to know how to disinfect our home properly, and do it as often as it requires. In this article, Marianna´s Cleaning Company will share with you some good tips and advice so you can stay calm in the comfort of your cleaned and sanitized home. Let´s get into it!


Magic Disinfecting Mix

First of all, we need to be prepared and ready to disinfect any surface or object as it could be requiring along the day and to do so, we´re going to prepare a simple but powerful mix that will help you to easily disinfect practically anything at home. For this disinfecting mix you´ll need:

•           Spray container.

•           20ml of bleach (2 tablespoons).

•           1L of water (33.8 oz.)

This is really simple to make: just pour the bleach in the container, then pour the 33.8 oz. of water as well. Mix perfectly and you´re ready to go! Now, where and how to use this? Keep reading to learn and get surprised by the importance of house cleaning services.

Disinfecting our groceries

This applies not only for groceries but for any object that comes from the outside, since we don´t really know who touched it or the conditions of the object, it´s always best to be sure than to be sorry. When it comes to fruit and vegetables, and to save a lot of time, you can submerge them in a container with the disinfecting mix previously described.

For other groceries items or objects in general that cannot be wet, you just wipe them out with a cloth and our disinfecting mix, as simple as safe as that.

High angle cropped image of hands washing potatoes in colander. There are various vegetables on sink. Woman is holding root vegetable under faucet. She is in domestic kitchen.


Disinfecting new clothes from any store

Do we really disinfect clothes that are clean since they come fresh from the mall? Of course! Do you know how many people tried those clothes on before you purchased them? Nobody knows, and that’s even a better reason to disinfect them.

Don´t wash them with your regular laundry, because you can actually spread viruses and bacteria to the rest of your clothes. Instead, wash them separately with warm to hot water, a good quality detergent, and add a little sodium bicarbonate or vinegar. After washing, let them dry under direct sunlight, since UV light has disinfecting properties. Did you know that?

Disinfecting tablets, cellphones, and other devices

We need to be extra cautious when it comes to this kind of object, especially with cellphones, which we use literally all day every day. For other devices that we don´t use that frequently such as desk computers, tablets, etc., it´s recommendable to turn them off and unplug them before disinfecting, for safety reasons.

For these objects we can just wipe them out with a cloth wet in an alcohol and water solution, it could be one from the store or you can make it at home. It´s also important to wash our hands before and after we use electronic devices, especially when it comes to our cellphone, we have to disinfect them as often as we wash our hands.

Disinfecting the kitchen and bathrooms

The kitchen and bathroom are the main infection focus at home. In families with children, it´s recommended to deep disinfect these areas at least once a week, or even more if you have the chance to do so, especially if you have bathrooms with no windows or ventilation.

For bathrooms and kitchen sponges, it´s necessary to boil them every day for at least 2 minutes, to get rid of all the growing bacteria.

And when it comes to sinks and bathtubs, a mix of ammonia and bleach in even parts are excellent to disinfect. It´s not enough to wipe them up with a simple cloth, we recommend to brush the area with this mix and then take off the excess with regular water. You can dry with a wet cloth.

In case you don’t have time to disinfect every room on your home, there are maid services available that will take care of it for you.


Last advices

All the previous advices are excellent to maintain your home and family virus free but, do you really got the time to do it every day? Life gets busier year by year, and we treasure more our free time and prefer to spend it in family quality time or enjoying our hobbies or activities that fills us with great positive energy.

Don´t get overwhelmed and call Marianna´s Cleaning Company! We offer a high quality deep cleaning service for your home, and you can be sure to be in a clean, disinfected space, and the best of all: enjoying time with the ones you love!

Call us today!