Start enjoying cleaning with these fun tricks to get into it!

When it comes to cleaning, we can find a really therapeutic activity or even a way to discharge al our stress. But for others, cleaning might be a very tedious activity with no appealing at all, ant the more you´re thinking about it the more tedious results to be.

In this article you´ll learn how you can start enjoying cleaning, or if you really dislike it, how you can accept it as a balance in your life, where you accept the good and the bad. Interested? Then keep reading to get all the details!

Make a week schedule

If you come from work at night, it´s logical that you´re not in the mood for sweeping, dusting, or anything. In fact, cleaning might be the least of our priorities when all you need is to rest so you can start the next day fresh and charged.

The key here is to organize your week, day by day separated into little chores every day that doesn´t take you a lot of time to perform. For example, doing your laundry while you are making dinner, wiping out the kitchen top, etc. Little things every day will make the difference and keep you motivated to keep cleaning during the whole week. Try it and see how it goes!


Listen to your favorite music

Cleaning our own space gives us the chance to listen to some music, put on your favorite jams in the speakers or headphones, and start rocking your cleaning process!

This habit along with the cleaning can put us in a great mood, almost as the same when you finish your workout. Apply this in the process and start listening and dancing while you’re sweeping or mopping, and you´ll see how it goes from tedious to fun in just one beat.


Reward yourself

As crazy as this might sound, it works like a charm. Giving yourself a treat after cleaning is a great motivator to keep doing it. This works better when you didn´t clean at all during the week, and suddenly the weekend arrives and you´re having some friends over for dinner.

You can´t absolutely let them be at your home with a total mess around, but at the same time, you are not in the mood to clean absolutely everything at home. What to do? You can clean and go ahead with the dinner party, or telling your friends your power went out so they need to host dinner in someone else´s home.

If you did good and choose to clean although you detest it, you´re a winner! To clean everything in a successful way, the secret is to motivate yourself constantly remembering that delicious banana bread your friend always brings to these dinner parties, and tell yourself this time you can have a second slice of dessert, simply and just because you earn it!

This is just an example of how you can motivate yourself to have a clean space, and you can apply it with different activities in your life, not only when it comes to cleaning. Let´s see how it goes!


Clean first thing in the morning

Free day? Take advantage of it! This is great advice because you just wake up, you´re full of energy and with a lot of plans ahead to spend your day. But first, you could take all this energy and invest it in cleaning before you leave home, this way you´ll have the rest of your day for yourself and the things you like, and nothing else!

Do your least favorite thing first and at the end the most favorite. It’s motivating and at the same time, you´ll enjoy your day to the fullest. However, if it’s not in your plans to clean first thing in the morning, you may consider hiring a residential cleaning service.

Your last and BEST choice

If after all these tips you still can´t stand the idea of cleaning, take it easy! It´s not an absolute citizen obligation to enjoy cleaning, and there are many more choices you could take instead. So, why wait to hire the best house cleaning service?

For example, and the best one, you can book a cleaning appointment with Marianna´s Cleaning Company! The best choice you have to enjoy a fresh and clean house, while you can spend your day in activities that you actually enjoy, and focus your attention and energy on the most important aspects of your life.

Choose premium customer services that guarantee your complete satisfaction, choose Marianna´s Cleaning Company! We offer everything from residential to commercial cleaning services.

Call us today!