VOCs And Their Adverse Health Effects

VOCs And Their Adverse Health Effects

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gasses from some solids or liquids. They include a range of chemicals that tend to have negative health effects. The concentration of many VOCs is highest indoors, as they are often found in the ingredients of household products. For example, paints, varnishes which contain organic solvents, as do … Read more

Cleanliness Affects Your Professional Reputation

Cleanliness is important for the health and safety of your business. It’s key to have your premises free of germs, bacteria, dirt, pollutants, and much more. Also, it’s quite known that a clean space reflects well on your business. Therefore, cleanliness affects your professional reputation, so it’s best to be careful.  Assumptions about your value … Read more

Cleaning, Disinfecting and Sanitizing

Cleaning, Disinfecting and Sanitizing

Germs, dirt, and bacteria can be found everywhere. Some are harmful and can cause diseases and allergic reactions. This is why it’s key to have a cleaning routine that includes disinfecting and sanitizing.  Have you ever wondered what’s the main difference between these? Keep on reading to find out all about cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing. … Read more

The Ultimate Post-Party Cleaning Tips

Are you still figuring out how to deal with your post-party clean-up? Here we have the ultimate post-party cleaning tips for you. We understand the cleaning part after your 4th of July party is not so fun, but there are always other options.  Have you considered recommended cleaning companies? It’s best to place a safe … Read more

5 Cleaning Tips To Consider Before Your Party

Hosting a party this 4th of July? We’ve gathered 5 cleaning tips to consider before your party. It’s finally that time of the year to reunite with your friends and family to have an amazing time. Surely, you want to make sure your house is looking nice and clean. Keep on reading to find out … Read more

Cleaning Tips for Your Home During The Pandemic

Simple precautions such as hand washing have been shown to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses. It is not known how long COVID-19 can survive on different surfaces. Experts recommend special cleaning of certain areas of the home to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses. That’s why we have gathered these cleaning … Read more

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