The best hacks to eliminate stains from your cushions!

We all have at home those beautiful and comfortable cushions in our living room and our bedroom that no matter how much time passes by, we treasure because of its comfort and nice design. But, what happens when something spills on them or accidentally a piece of fruit landed on them?

If you own cushions which stains just won´t go away, then you´ll find relief in this article, with the best hacks to eliminate any dirty spot and you can now have them as new as they come from the store. Let´s get started!


Knowing your cushions

First of all, we have to know very well how our cushions are made. Do they have cases so you can take them out from the stuffing? Or are they sewn as one piece with no zipper?

Having a cushion with a zippered case is a great advantage because you can take it off and clean it in a more comfortable way.

Let´s get to work!

Now let’s get to the cleaning, remember that it’s better to clean the cushion cases without the stuffing if possible. And for the magic cleaning, we’re going to prepare a mix of things we all have at home. We´re going to need:

  • ½ cup of medical alcohol.
  • Dish soap
  • Fabric softener (choose your favorite kind)
  • 1 cup of water
  • Spray container.
  • A bowl or recipient to do the mix
  • A brush.
  • A piece of cleaning cloth.

First, we put the water in the bowl, along with alcohol, and we mix it very well. Then, pour this mix into the spray container and add one tablespoon of fabric softener and one tablespoon of dish soap. Close the container and shake it so everything with together in a uniform way.

Now we can get into those unwanted stains, so spray the mix directly on the stain so it gets wet, and immediately we´re going to brush the stain out. How much time do you need to brush? As long as it takes. Keep brushing until the stain is not visible anymore.

After the spot is gone, you´re going to rub the cushions with a wet cloth, so you can see how much dirt your cushion had besides the stain, and also you can realize how much power this homemade mix has. If you have the time and energy, you can do the previous step with the whole cushion, so you not only get rid of the stain but of all the invisible dirt that lies in the cushion´s fabric. On the other hand, you could just hire the right house cleaning service.


Using the washing machine

If your cushions are small enough to fit in your washing machine, then this alternative is ideal for you. But first, we´ll have to make another mix so your cushions get as clean as the day the entered your home. You´re going to need:

  • 20 gr. Soap (regular soap bar used for laundry, scratch it if possible).
  • Water.
  • 1 tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate.
  • 3 tablespoons of peroxide.
  • The juice of 1 lemon

First, you have to boil the water in a pot and put the soap inside until it dissolves. Try to stir the pot so the soap dissolves faster. Then, add the sodium bicarbonate with the water still hot so it dissolves perfectly as well, keep stirring the pot along this process.

Add the lemon juice to this hot mix, but be careful because the mix will tend to go up to the top of the pot. After this add the 3 tablespoons of peroxide, and let´s get now to the washing machine.

Put your cushions in the washing machine along with the previously made mix. Wash normally and enjoy you fresh and clean cushions! Remember that this process may take some time. That’s why we encourage you to hire a good maid service. In this way, you’ll only have to worry about relaxing.

One last piece of advice

Now that you know all this great advice for your cushions cleaning, we hope you can apply it not only on these items but in your whole house where thick fabrics are involved, such as sofas, pillows, etc.

However, if you would like to spend your time with your family or doing things that you really enjoy, you can always rely on the professional services of Marianna´s Cleaning Services. With excellent customer service, you can book your cleaning appointment whenever you need to, with the confidence that we´ll be at your doorstep with no delays.

Looking for residential cleaning services? Choose us, and choose what really matters!

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