The Best Office Cleaning Checklist

Running an office often implies ensuring tidiness and organization within it in order to create a better work environment: clean, healthy, and very encouraging for employees. Keep on reading to learn more about the best office cleaning checklist.

The best way to make sure your office meets these standards is to schedule regular office cleanings. You can choose to handle this task with your team or with professional maintenance assistants. We offer you this helpful checklist so that you won’t feel overwhelmed by the planning and the details that must be taken into consideration for a cleaning schedule office. But remember, you could always hire janitorial cleaning services to benefit from a deep cleaning!

Office Desks And Cubicles

These steps will help you to keep any area where people work very clean and organized.

  • Clean and dust every computer.
  • Throw away garbage and separate recyclable items.
  • Remove dirt on the floors.
  • Keep the windows clean and shiny.
  • Sanitize every common-usage item.
  • Take off the dust on big surfaces.

Kitchens And Break Rooms

Since we know that these are some of the most used areas in the office, we have some steps to keep them always clean. Deep cleaning services are needed for these areas. 

  • Take off any item that can be considered garbage.
  • Wash your cutlery and crockery.
  • Throw away the trash and separate the recyclable items.
  • Remove rotten food from the fridge and sanitize it afterward.
  • Wash the coffee pot and remove any traces of coffee grinds from it.
  • Sanitize and clean tables and counters.
  • Make sure kitchen devices are all clean.
  • Keep control of the water cooler and the number of available cups to drink.

Office Reception And Waiting Areas

In order to make a good first impression, you can follow these steps to clean it.

  • Prepare a tidy enough welcome desk.
  • Dust the desk, hard surfaces, waiting room tables, and more.
  • Keep your trash can and recycle bin always empty.
  • Constantly refill the cups and the water in the water cooler.
  • Provide your waiting area with books or magazines to read.
  • Constantly clean the coffee machine if you have one.
  • Keep the visible items in the office always clean, and dust them.
  • Always remember to sanitize any surface or item that is prone to be touched by many people.
  • Clean the carpets in the waiting areas once every three or four months.
The Best Office Cleaning Checklist

Office Bathrooms

We all know that a bathroom needs constant cleaning. You can follow these steps in order to keep the bathrooms in your office always clean.

  • Clean and disinfect toilet bowls and sinks.
  • Remove debris on the floors and disinfect them.
  • Clean and disinfect hard surfaces, and throw away any item not to be recycled.
  • Place new toilet paper and towel paper rolls if they are empty.
  • Use glass cleaner to wipe the mirror
  • Check the functioning of hand dryers, and if there’s any type of problem with them, ask a maintenance specialist to handle the issue.
The Best Office Cleaning Checklist

Office Outdoor Areas

The exterior of your office can also cause an important first impression to the public. Here is what you can do to keep it looking its best.

  • Remove branches, leaves and other items that make the outside of the office look untidy.
  • Dust your welcome mats and place them correctly.
  • Wipe the glass doors and windows constantly to keep them radiant.
  • Get rid of bad smells by throwing away the garbage in the trash cans.
  • Make sure there are no bushes or branches blocking up any walkways or sidewalks.
  • Do not let branches, snow piles and any other hazard block up your parking lot. 

Hiring professionals is the best office cleaning checklist solution we can suggest. If you’re looking for the best cleaning company, your best bet is to hire Marianna’s Cleaning: The most trusted cleaning company in Los Angeles

Call us today!