The best tips to make your carpets as good as new

Having problems with a specific stain on your favorite carpet? Or maybe it doesn’t look as white as it was in the store you bought it six months ago. Whatever the case, we know how frustrating it can be when you have a perfect home with beautiful decoration. Then you look down and see on the floor that one thing that doesn’t match: a dirty carpet! 

But luckily for you, in this article, you’ll get the best tips. Hence, you become almost an expert in eliminating those horrible stains that apparently won’t go away. But don’t worry, they will! And in case you need professional help, you could always contact a good maid service.

First steps

First of all, it’s difficult to clean a deep stubborn stain when your carpet is in the middle of the living room or the bedroom. To get more space to work on, you need to take the carpet to the backyard or another open space: the more space, the better.

A good recommendation is to put the carpet face down on a big table. Depending on the carpet size, you might need to put together two or more tables, so the carpet is completely displayed.

You have to hit the dust out. You can separate the tables a little bit so the dust can fall to the floor. Use your hands to literally spank the carpet for the dust to get out. You can also use a broom to have more control of the hits on the carpet.


Vacuuming the carpet

Probably you are used to vacuuming the carpet, and you might think this step is useless since the stains won’t go away with a simple vacuuming. But trust the process. This step will actually make things a little easy for you in the future.

In the previous step, where we spanked the carpet to get out the dust, we actually loose up some of the tidy dust that usually sticks in furry carpets, so the dust will go easier now with this vacuuming.

The magic trick!

The moment has come to make what actually will take out those hideous stains from our precious carpets. You’ll need white vinegar, dish soap, a spray container (like the ones you use to clean the windows), some water, and a big bowl to mix everything together.

In the bowl, put one cup of white vinegar (it’s essential to use this specific kind of vinegar; otherwise, we can get even a more significant stain on our carpet), a quarter of a cup of dish soap, and three cups of water. Mix it all together and pour it into our spray container.

This mix is ​​for small stains, but if you need to wash the whole carpet, here is the formula for a bigger mix: half a gallon of white vinegar, one cup of dish soap, two or two and a half gallons of water. Mix it correctly, and then try to pour it all on the carpet, well distributed on the whole surface.

Then pour more water on the carpet to get it wetter, and let the formula act on the carpet for about 30 minutes. 

Brushing the dirt out

After the 30 minutes have passed, we will brush the carpet with a soft broom, so we don’t damage our carpet fibers. Be incredibly persistent in brushing where the specific stains are, so we are sure they’ll be entirely away forever.

Then we’ll use the hose to wash all the dirt away. If you own one of those pressure hosen to wash cars, even better. You’ll get surprised at how easy it is to get the stains out of the carpet with our magic formula.

You can use this formula whenever you need it, and not only on carpets but also in curtains and all kinds of clothing.

Letting it drain

In the final step, a good recommendation is to let the carpet drain over a fence for about one day, no more than this amount of time, because if it completely dries, you’ll get a weird fold in your carpet (like the shape of a taco). Before it completely dries, put it again on the tables we used before, but this time face up, and wait until it’s no longer wet.


Final tips and advices

Now that you have your carpet as clean as it was when you purchased it, you can path yourself in the back. But if you want even a more in-depth and professional residential cleaning service, don’t hesitate to trust in Marianna’s cleaning service!

We offer you the best cleaning, with only the best results. Get not only your carpet cleaned but your entire house. Remember that with our cleaning, your house becomes a real home. So, why wait? Contact the best house cleaning service in the city.

Call us today!