The best tips to polish your home décor porcelain

We all have those porcelain figures, jars, and other porcelain items that we treasure as the years go by, and although we keep them in shelves safe and sound, it´s important to give them the proper maintenance so they stay as shiny and colorful as the day we got them.

In this interesting article, you´ll know some good techniques and advice to keep your porcelain items as new as the first day, and maybe you can apply them to other items you might have at your house. Let´s start with the reading!


First steps

Before we start with the polishing, we need to make sure that our porcelain piece is free of dust and other kinds of dirt. So, clean it up with a simple toothbrush, and if it´s a delicate piece, use a baby toothbrush, which is softer. Another way to clean the dust out of our porcelain piece is with a vacuum, but be careful, use the minimum power to avoid damaging the item.

How to wash regular porcelain objects

If your home décor porcelain isn´t delicate but more strong or commercial, you can wash it with the following simple steps. First of all, you´re going to need:

  • 1 Big plastic bucket (or another recipient where your item fits inside).
  • 1 Thick towel.
  • Neutral dish soap.
  • 1 small brush (it could be the same toothbrush you used before).
  • Paper towels.
  • Warm water (never use hot water to wash your home décor porcelain items).

Now let´s get to work: first, fill the bucket with the warm water and add some drops of dish soap, mix the water a little with your hand. Then cover up the object with the towel so it can be protected once you submerge the object inside the bucket.

Now submerge the object in the water and wait for 5 minutes’ minimum. After that, take out the porcelain object from the bucket, take off the towel and start brushing the object with a clean toothbrush or other brush you might have (it´s important to be a soft bristle brush, no matter if the object is not a delicate piece of porcelain).

Submerge the object again in warm water, this time without dish soap, and then take off the excess of water with a paper towel and leave the object to dry all night on a piece of fabric or another paper towel. Just be careful to leave it in a safe space, we don´t want to wake up to an accident!

Bonus tip: if the object is larger than a bucket, for example, a huge jar or statue, you can do the previous steps in a sink, or even in your shower! But always be cautious and in these cases put always a thick towel under the piece so it doesn´t break if it slips from your hand while washing.

However, we know how hard it can be to clean porcelain. That is the reason why we recommend you get a maid service.


How to wash delicate porcelain objects

For delicate objects with great sentimental value, we´re going to choose another kind of cleaning. You´re gonna need:

  • Ammonia
  • Liquid detergent
  • Soft sponge
  • Plastic recipient

First, we´re going to mix ammonia and liquid detergent in the same quantities in the plastic recipient, and once properly mixed we´re going to soak it up with our soft sponge (it is important to use the soft side of the sponge so we don´t damage our home décor items).

Then with the wet sponge, we´re going to polish a little our pieces, the sponge doesn´t need to be really wet. After this, we take out the excess of the mixing with a wet piece of fabric (with regular water), and that´s it. It´s always easier than we think!

Bonus advice: how to clean other materials home décor objects

If you also own home décor items of other materials with smooth surfaces (such as wax, silver, etc.), you can clean them up following the next instructions:

Simply put water and a little dish soap inside an empty spray container, and spray the objects until they´re wet enough. After, just dry them with a paper towel with some regular alcohol in it so the item dries faster. Easy!


Final advices

If you just finish to clean your entire porcelain collection and you´re just exhausted and don´t want to clean the rest of your house, you can always call us! Marianna´s Cleaning Company works with professional cleaners that will be at your door at the time you need them.

Stop worrying and start resting! You deserve it, and with our house cleaning services you can be sure you´ll always be 100% satisfied!

So, why wait? Our company offers everything from residential to commercial cleaning services. Contact us now for the best experience.

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