The First 3 Things People Notice in Your Office

Have you ever thought about the impression your professional space gives? First impressions are very important when it comes to closing deals or making contacts. Appearances matter. This means that the appearance of your offices can make a big difference. Sometimes a regular cleaning is what you need. The team at Marianna’s Cleaning has put together a quick list of the first 3 things people notice in your office. Keep on reading to find out more about them.

When you work in the same environment every day, it is common to get used to it. That is, we don’t notice sloppiness and clutter as easily. Sometimes a deep cleaning is necessary to deal with this. When this happens and you have so little time, the backup of the best cleaning companies is necessary.

To maintain the cleanliness of your office for that great first impression, we’ve got you covered.

The Smell

The smell is one of the first things you notice when you walk into a place. For example, if visitors arrive after a microwaved lunch or at breakfast where it smells like freshly brewed coffee. This changes the perspective of the place, so it should always smell good.

The First 3 Things People Notice in Your Office

The Clutter

Clutter is very noticeable. Papers everywhere, overflowing trash cans, office equipment all over the desk. It’s very easy for your visitors to notice and will give the impression that your company is disorganized.

The First 3 Things People Notice in Your Office

We recommend providing storage space to the staff. That is, create filing systems and have plenty of garbage cans and recycling points. You can also create a customized organization system. These tips will help deal with cleaning and organization problems.

The Carpets

When your visitors enter your office, the condition of your carpets will catch their attention. It’s a very noticeable thing if you think about it.

From holes, dirt to debris, a poorly maintained carpet can suggest negative things. Your customer contacts may think you have a lack of professionalism and attention to detail. In high-traffic areas, daily vacuuming is essential to maintaining a professional appearance.

Now you know the first 3 things people notice in your office. To learn about our top rated cleaning services and more cleaning tips, give us a call. Contact Marianna’s Cleaning your trusted professional cleaning experts in Los Angeles at 800-903-9728.

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