Tips for getting rid of old objects before 2020 is over

New year, new life! There’s no better way to start this 2021 than with healthy habits at home. But, why is it essential to get rid of objects at home? If they don’t hinder me, do I have to get rid of them anyway?

You might have many questions, and luckily for you will answer all of them in this article, so you can start the new year with a brand new vision of life and a desire to accomplish all your goals. Let get to work! Remember that for a fresh start, it’s always a good idea to hire residential cleaning services.

Why is it essential to get rid of old objects?

Getting rid of everything you no longer need is critical to do because a clean, organized space is more likely to get you to a clean and organized state of mind. Have you ever heard about how you keep your home the way you are inside?

Well, this is truer than you might think. Having many objects can indicate the need we have to compensate for something we are missing within. It might be emotional or psychological, but we have to understand that no object in the world will fill the void we feel inside.


This article intends not to go deep into your emotions since that’s a very personal process. Still, it’s important to clarify that we tend to try to fill whatever is missing in our life with objects, and that just makes it worse.

And the reason that it makes it worse because, as we mentioned before, a disorganized space will get us to a disorganized mind. Trust in the process, and you’ll see that fewer objects will be more peaceful. Ironically we’ll have the wisdom to have better decisions in our relationships and how we see life. It’s almost magic!

How do we start?

An excellent tip to start is getting a box and going room by room searching for objects that don’t belong to the room. For example, if you found the dog playing ball in the bathroom, put it in the box! You might need more than just one box, so get prepared.

Once you’ve done the searching consciously, you will take out all the objects from the box to the floor and classify every object by categories (for example, bathroom items, accessories, etc.) The following step is crucial: for every object, you take from the box, you have to question yourself: do I really need this? Do I use it? Does it give every value? If your answer is no, then you put that object in a particular category (which at the end you’ll donate or even throw it away if it’s useless already).

You’ll get surprised about the number of things you didn’t know you still have and you didn’t remember them in the first place! And once you finished separating everything into categories, we proceed to put every single object where it belongs.


Getting rid of old clothes

This can be a little tricky since we have items that we love, maybe because they take us back to good experiences or pleasant memories with people we love.  But, do you really need every single piece of clothing you own? A recommendation is to apply the same questions as we did with other objects and ask yourself: do I really need this? Do I use it? Does it give every value?

This can be harder, but if you got a pair of jeans from high school that doesn’t even fit anymore, it’s more than evident that those belong in the donation box! Take your time, enjoy, and trust the process. Remember that everything will be worth it to have a fresh start this new year.


Other things to get rid of

One of the reasons we tend to purchase more objects than we actually need is that we need those things to impress other people. We feel this need to prove that we are productive and useful by displaying all the things we can afford as if we are in constant competition.

But the truth is, as cheesy as might sound, the only competition that really exists and that should be the only one that matters to you, is with yourself. Let go of the idea of having more things to prove to others or even yourself that you are valuable, and start focusing on becoming the best version you can be.

Last considerations

Once you have all these tips into consideration and finished your process, you are ready to go! Start this 2021 with the beat attitude and a brand new organized space. And what better way to do so with a fresh and clean home? You can contact the best house cleaning service.

And if you wish to keep it as tidy as now, there’s no better option than leave it to professionals! We invite you to know all our maid services so you can live in the cleaned home you really deserve. Happy New Year!

Call us today!