Tips for Speed Cleaning

Speed cleaning is one of the best options for keeping the house clean. It doesn’t have to be perfect, nor does it have to take a lot of effort. As part of your regular cleaning, it helps to reduce stress and workload. It also provides a welcoming environment for you and your family. That’s why Marianna’s Cleaning team gives you some tips for speed cleaning you should know.

Stash your stuff

It is not necessary to have an exact place for everything. Don’t worry about putting everything in the right place. On a speed cleaning, you only have to make a temporary fix by picking up the clutter. You can then throw it in the trash or in a box or laundry basket that can easily be stored in a closet or garage. The idea is to have everything in one place to make it easier to manage.

tips for speed cleaning

Load the dishwasher

A good idea is to put everything that will fit in the dishwasher. You can rearrange it later or wait for your reliable cleaning services to take care of it. It’s frustrating to have dirty dishes piled up and the dishwasher full of clean dishes. Thus, don’t run it unless you also have time to unload it. Keep filling it and deal with it a little later. The idea is not to have it all over the kitchen.

Use multipurpose wipes

Wipes are the most useful cleaning tool of all. They are fast and efficient. You can clean everything from countertops to toilet seats. They are very easy to use, you only have to wipe and then throw them away. There is no need to use multiple cleaners or rags. Likewise, it’s great for speed cleaning. Use the wipes to dust the most visible areas and skip the areas guests won’t see. It can give your home a clean and tidy appearance until you receive your next visit from your cleaning services.

tips for speed cleaning

Tidy remaining areas

Appearance is the main thing in a quick clean. The best way to make it look tidy is if there is not a lot of stuff. For example, a kitchen will look clean if the cabinets are empty. That is why you have to remove excess appliances and store them in the cabinets. Also, you should empty the countertops and stovetops and clean the sink. Don’t forget to sweep the floor and wipe up any spills, and, of course, vacuum the room and sweep as needed. Removing excess clutter will make the place look tidier.

Keeping your house clean will now be easier for you. We hope you found these tips for speed cleaning at home helpful. If you try these cleaning tips, share them with your family and friends!

These tips can be very helpful to many. And, in case you have any questions about cleaning tips, our trusted cleaning company in Los Angeles will be more than happy to help you.

Call us today!