Tips to Clean Your Laptop Keyboard

Have you noticed how dirty your laptop keyboard gets over time? That’s why it’s key to learn tips to clean your laptop keyboard. It’s time to clean and disinfect all high-touch areas!

Is your keyboard sticky? Are there food leftovers? We know we shouldn’t eat in front of our laptops, but that doesn’t stop us. Don’t worry, there’s a solution for everything.

It’s important to keep your work area hygienic to preserve the equipment’s life. We’ve gathered all the steps recommended by the best cleaning companies. Here’s what you have to do step by step so that you can have your keyboard looking brand new as of today. Thus, what are you waiting for? Keep on reading to make sure you’re doing it properly.

1) Turn your laptop off

It’s best to first turn off your laptop. In that way, you make sure you’re saving all your important files. This is a crucial first step to do the rest without dealing with problems related to losing the information you need on your laptop. Also, you should take out all USB devices and cables.

2) Before You Deep Clean The Keys

In most cases, you can pop off your keys. You can do this by using your fingers or a butter knife to slowly take the edge of each key and pop it off. And don’t forget where the keys are located. For this, you can take a picture of your laptop keyboard before popping the keys off.

Tips to Clean Your Laptop Keyboard

3) Washing the keys

Washing the keys is very simple. You will only need warm water and soap to wash the keyboard keys thoroughly. Be very careful with the keys because you could lose them in the process. To avoid this, you can keep them on a separate cloth. Wiping them with a sponge or wet wipes also works well as a quick and easy alternative. When finished, let them dry. And that’s it!

Tips to Clean Your Laptop Keyboard

4) Wash the base

While you are waiting for the keys to dry, you can clean the base. There is quite a bit of dirt and dust on the base. That is why it is very important to clean it. Perhaps a small handheld vacuum cleaner can be useful to make it easier. Use it to vacuum up any loose dirt before using a wet wipe to remove any glue residue and give it a good wipe down.

5) Replace the keys

When you have finished cleaning the base and the keys are dry, you are done with the cleaning. Now that the keyboard and base are clean and dry, put the keys back in place.

There you have it: A sparkling clean keyboard just like you deserve. Follow these steps as recommended by your reliable cleaning services.

Tips to Clean Your Laptop Keyboard

Keeping your laptop clean will now be easier for you. Now you know all about the tips to clean your laptop keyboard, share them with your friends and family! And, in case you have any questions about our tips, our trusted cleaning company in Los Angeles will be more than happy to assist you.

Call us today!