Turn your cleaning habits into a green clean routine

Global warming is a reality we’re all facing– and now, more than ever, it’s important to be conscious of how our actions can affect the environment. Even the smallest actions, such as having a green clean routine, can contribute to improving the world around us.
Therefore, we want to share with you some ideas to start being environmentally friendly when it comes to cleaning. Residual waters from residences can be extremely contaminated, which is one of the many reasons why the change starts with us.
If you don’t know where to start other than reducing your plastic consumption, we’ve gathered a few practical tips to start.
Being green clean starts with your products
Yes, we know: it can be hard to change products when we’re accustomed to a result, aroma, or presentation. However, huge part of the contamination comes from the industries, which include –as you may have guessed– the manufacture of cleaning products. In case you don’t know much about this, you could always follow the maid service‘s staff advice.
It’s not just a matter of changing products: you have to be smart about your new choices. When it comes to cleaning products, one great alternative is picking eco-friendly products (both in their production and in their impact in environment).
Even if the package indicates it, you should make a research either way to make sure they’re truly good for environment. If you don’t know where to start, you can alternatively create your own natural cleaning products (don’t worry! We’ll talk more about it next week).
Another important point to consider is to avoid papers altogether. Make sure to get reusable towels for cleaning– you can classify them by use (hint: colors are your friends!) if you’re worried about cleaning the bathroom with the same towel you clean the kitchen.
Make sure to collect rags and fabric scraps as well: when you have a really horrible mess you don’t think you’ll be able to clean out of the towel, just pick these fabrics lying around, clean the area, and throw them out once you’re done.
A nice-smelling house is important: how do you achieve it?
Air contamination is other important thing to consider. Even if you love the fragrance of store-bought air fresheners, the ozone layer is greatly damaged by these type of products –which affects global warming as well.
We’re not saying you should forget about having a nice aroma in your house, though. The quality of the air we breathe is extremely important and will affect our life quality, so it’s important to take it in consideration.
If you’re dubious, consider this: in many houses, the air is even more contaminated inside than outside for the concentration of harmful chemicals.
Some great ideas to cleanse the air in your house while having a great –yet no harmful– aroma around are:

  • Find a broad green leaf plant. They don’t only look fantastical, but are also great for filtering interior air. The more plants you have in your house, the greatest the chances the air will be free of toxins.
  • If the exterior temperature allows it, keep windows open so toxins can flow out. Make sure to also open the windows when you’re cleaning so all the aromas and fragrances don’t stay concentrated in a single place.
  • If you really miss your air fresheners, try some natural alternatives instead.

You can boil cinnamon, cloves, or any other herbs to impregnate the air of their smell. And if you’re more audacious, try chocolate chip cookies! (as long as it doesn’t make you extremely hungry, that’s it).
For areas further away from the kitchen, grab a spray bottle, fill it with water, and pour around 8-10 drops of any essential oil you like. Shake the mixture and smell it: if you like the result, just spray it around your house for a green clean aroma.
A fan of residential cleaning services? Make sure they’re green clean!
Perhaps you barely have time to clean during the week, and have already hired a service to take care of your house instead. This doesn’t mean you need to compromise your principles– everyday, more cleaning companies are becoming aware of how important is to protect the environment.
The first step for the change is researching about companies with this service. Using the words “green clean companies” can help you find great options in your area, so you’ll only have to check their credentials and make sure they’re trustworthy (in every sense, of course).
In case there aren’t any of these companies in your area, try asking for regular house cleaning services. When talking to them, make sure to ask if they’re willing to compromise to the products and methods you specify.
There’s no reason to keep our old habits, but there are plenty of reason to change to a green clean lifestyle. Are you ready to change?

Call us today!