Vinegar, The Natural Cleaner

Most all-purpose cleaners, while useful on various surfaces, are harmful to your health and environmentally unfriendly. However, vinegar is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, which makes it the best all-purpose cleaning solution. Among its many positive features is that it is very effective and very inexpensive.  How great is that? Keep on reading to learn more about Vinegar, The Natural Cleaner. 

We have gathered the best tips and information from our professional staff that offers the best regular cleaning services to make things easier for you. Remember, we’ve always got your back when it comes to cleaning.

Benefits of Vinegar as a Cleaner

You probably have a bottle of vinegar in your cupboard right now that you may only use as a salad dressing or as a marinade for vegetables and meats. What you may not know is that you hold the key to cleanliness because of its many characteristics.

Vinegar, The Natural Cleaner

The reason it’s a great cleaner and disinfectant is because it’s made from acetic acid, which is a colorless organic compound that gives vinegar its sour taste and pungent odor. It is also an ingredient in some store-bought household cleaners. It makes it so powerful that it can dissolve mineral deposits, dirt, grease, and grime. Furthermore, it is also strong enough to kill bacteria and all this without causing harm to your health or the environment. 

Distilled white vinegar is the best type of vinegar when you do cleaning because it does not contain any coloring agents. Therefore, it will not stain surfaces, unlike a darker vinegar that can produce stains.


It’s amazing how you can use vinegar to make your own glass cleaner. You only have to combine water and vinegar to then place it on a spray bottle. After that, you can start spraying the solution on any glass surfaces to get that sparkling look.


Since vinegar is a natural disinfectant, you can use it to clean and disinfect the countertops after using the kitchen. You can even get rid of those tough stains by adding a few drops of vinegar to your regular cleaner. Likewise, vinegar can be helpful when it comes to removing odors from countertops. However, you shouldn’t use it on granite or marble since vinegar can affect their luster. In addition, did you know that vinegar can deter ants? This is great news for everyone that has this not so small ant problem at home.


You can try mixing two teaspoons of vinegar with one teaspoon of salt to remove calcium deposits that can be found on fixtures and faucets. 

If you want to get rid of those persistent stains, spray the surface with vinegar and tie a bag around it. Leave it like this overnight to then scrub and rinse the following morning.

Showers and Tubs

We understand the struggle of removing soap scum and mildew. You can try spraying vinegar over the tub and shower walls and let it sit for several minutes. After patiently waiting, you can scrub and rinse away.

Your other option is to combine baking soda and vinegar. This will create some sort of paste you can use to scrub away all stubborn grime.


Try pouring two cups of vinegar into your toilet bowl. Let it sit for up to three hours to then scrub with a toilet brush. After you’re done scrubbing, you can flush and see the results for yourself! It even helps deodorize the toilet.


Vinegar can also be very helpful as a floor cleaner, but you should be careful since you can only use it on certain floor types. Hardwood floors don’t react so well to vinegar, as it can leave watermarks. Vinegar can also damage natural stone floors due to its natural acid. Nevertheless, you’re more than welcomed to use vinegar on no-wax linoleum. 

You can add half a cup of vinegar to half a gallon of water, but if you want to clean ceramic tiles, use one gallon of water.


Vinegar works amazing for the inside and outside of appliances, even the stainless steel kind. Mix vinegar and water in equal parts and place it in a spray bottle. You can spray down your appliances and then use a microfiber cloth to wipe away the mix.

When it comes to cleaning, you can count on our trusted cleaning company in Los Angeles, Marianna’s Cleaning, to meet your cleaning needs. Don’t forget to leave your thoughts on today’s post about Vinegar, The Natural Cleaner, and its many uses as a household cleaner!

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