VOCs And Their Adverse Health Effects

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gasses from some solids or liquids. They include a range of chemicals that tend to have negative health effects. The concentration of many VOCs is highest indoors, as they are often found in the ingredients of household products. For example, paints, varnishes which contain organic solvents, as do many cleaners, disinfectants, cosmetics, and many others. All of these products can release volatile organic compounds during use and even storage. But did you know about VOCs and their adverse health effects? Keep on reading to learn all about it.

When these harmful chemicals are in our homes, they are released into the indoor air we breathe every day.   Some people make the mistake of thinking that because a product does not have a strong odor, it does not emit harmful substances. This is a lie, the truth is that they don’t always have an odor, so it shouldn’t be an indicator of how much of a health risk it is. 

If this topic is a major health concern for you, don’t hesitate to contact regular cleaning services to benefit from a clean, healthy, and harmful chemicals-free space.

Sources of VOCs

As we have already mentioned, it is very common to find VOCs inside your home, they usually go unnoticed in the household products you use every day. You can find them in your garage in paints, paint strippers and other solvents. Maybe they are in your bathroom in cleaners and disinfectants or air fresheners. Even in the garden if you have stored fuels, automotive products and pesticides. 

Sometimes we can also find VOCs in less common products that may still be in your home such as graphic and craft materials like glues and adhesives, permanent markers and photographic solutions. Perhaps even in the office in office equipment such as copiers and printers, correction fluids and carbonless paper.

Health Effects

The health effects depend on how polluted the air is and how long and often a person breathes it in. Several studies suggest that even breathing low levels of VOCs for long periods of time may increase health problems. This is worse for people who suffer from respiratory diseases or are more sensitive to chemicals.

VOCs And Their Adverse Health Effects

Common symptoms of exposure to high levels of VOCs may include eye, nose, and throat irritation; headaches; nausea; vomit; and dizziness. Also, if you’ve been exposed to high levels of VOC for years, there’s a risk of liver, kidney, and central nervous system damage; and it can even lead to cancer. This is why it’s so important to count on a reliable cleaning company that uses products that are not harmful for you or the environment. This is to assure you have a clean and healthy space.

How to Reduce Levels of VOCs

We recommend you to limit the exposure to these harmful products that contain VOCs. To protect your health, you should first conduct an inspection at home to look for supplies like paints, solvents, adhesives, and varnishes. In addition, items made from composite wood are not safe either like carpets, mainly most household furnishings. 

To reduce exposure, make sure to increase ventilation while using harmful products and to read all warnings and instructions in product labels. Likewise, remember that you can get rid of unused containers safely. It’s best to buy products that you will use soon. Lastly, never mix products unless indicated in the labels.

If you’re looking for a cleaning company that uses safe products, Marianna’s Cleaning is your best bet. You can contact our trusted cleaning company in Los Angeles to get a free estimate today!

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